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Dear Taemin,

This year has been great! Your new album 1 of 1 rocks! My parents bought me the album yesterday and in a few weeks we're going to watch you and Shinee perform at a concert which I am super excited for! I'll finally get to see you at a concert even at my favorite era ever! Oh right, congragulations on your solo debut! I'm definitely going to listen to all your all your songs. Especially MOVE. That's now my new favorite song! Can't wait for some more of your songs soon to come. I also watched you Music Bank performance with BTS Jimin! I'm starting to like BTS myself seeing that you like BTS. Maybe you guys should collab? How is everyone in Shinee by the way? I haven't sent a group letter in a while so I feel bad. Talking to you seems fun. I just have so much that I like to tell you as me being a huge fan of yours. If I were famous like you I would read every letter that's delivered me. Good and bad. Promise to stay awesome Taemin! I'll write to you next year when your new album or albums drop!

With love, Y/n

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