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Grian turned to false and he kissed her and snuggled into her arms forgetting about everything and he began to drift off to sleep when the thunder roared scaring him and he snuggled into false more

False's pov

Grian's hugging me I screamed in my mind. I looked down and he was fast asleep so I decided to carry him to my bed and I was about to walk to the spare room and he grabbed my arm and I turned around.

"Please stay i don't want to be alone" he said as tears formed in his eyes

I walked over to my bed grian was on and I took off my goggles and shoes and I got on the bed so I could keep grian company. I look into his eyes and he kisses me and I kiss back.

"I love you grian" i said cuddling him

"I love you too false" he said back cuddling me back

I began drifting off to sleep hugging grian he was so cute. I had feelings in season 6 but I knew I just met him but now was a great time and I'm glad I know him. I felt a buzzing and it was my phone and I saw it was from cleo and stress.




C- False what's happening with you and grain




F- nothing is happening i'm just halping him out why?

C- then y are you typing wrong hmm

C- what bed is he sleeping in?

F- uhhhh

S- are you two in the same bed!?



F-am not

S- then send a picture then

Falsesymmerty sent a photo

C- is he wearing your clothes.

F- yeah

S- did you see him without a shirt cause iskall says he has a 6 pack does he?

F-yes i saw him without a shirt and yes he does have a six pack.

C-is he snuggling you?

F-yes he is ok please leave me alone ok i want to go back to that ok?

S- ok talk later.


I went back to sleep and i keep snuggling grian

(Time skip cause im typing in class)

Grian's POV

I felt the sun hit my face. I opened my eyes to see false sleeping in front of me. I moved her hair out of her mouth and I kissed her. She then pulled me closer and I realized that she trapped me in a cuddle. I hear rockets but i ignore them then i hear someone land and i hear someone snickering i turn my head to see scar i growl but false holds me back from attacking scar. Now he's wheezing and I lose it and I kiss false and she loosens her grip on me and I run at the scar. He looks up and sees me charging at him.

"Grian STOP!" false calls out and i turn and scar taks a picture of me and puts it on the main chat. And flys away

GoodTimesWithScar posted a picture

GTWS- and they were kissing

M-no they weren't


I- omg so cute they go so well together

X- i ship them

G- no please stop

F-yeah plz stop

The rest of the group- HELL NO

Grian left the chat

M-i think we hurt his feelings

F- yeah you did hes crying into my pillows.

GTWS- oh im sorry g

F- he doesn't forgive you

GTWS- did i mention hes wearing false's shirt and jacket


GTWS- oh yeah sorry

"Grian you ok?" false asked me

"Yeah im ok" i responded and i kissed her again

"I better get going i need to work on my base" i said geting up from falses bed grabbing my sweater and put in a shulka box of my clothes.


"Helloooooooooo, my name is Grian! And welcome back to another episode on the hermitcraft sever now today i will be working on the barge and the base.

A/N I'm back for you all

the love of the two britsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz