Chapter 0 - Glorious Day

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" Die like the trash you are ! "

His booming voice cast down his judgement upon us. The ultimate culmination of his deed laid bare to all of our sight. The Noble Phantasm, made by the incinerated history of mankind, befall upon us like the rain of hell.


Unwavering, Mash chanted, " That which heals all our wounds and all our grudges...our glorious homeland." The figure of the great castle of Camelot appeared from the Noble Phantasm of Mash Kyrielight, the vassal of Galahad.

" Manifest, LORD CAMELOT ! " The shield activated, creating a fortress of purity around us. Once the beam collided, like everything I've seen before, is like defying God's will. The wrath of hell is in front of us, only stopped by the strength of Mash's will. " AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! " she screamed with all of her might, holding on Goetia's extinction beam. There isn't anything we could do. The all we could hope is to survive the onslaught until it's finished. And the matter of defeating him wasn't in our conscious in the slightest.

As she tanked the attack, suddenly a thought came up to my mind. What if she couldn't sustain it? No. Bad thought. She's been on my side since forever. There's no way she's going to lose here.

But what if she does?

No. Shut up.

She can't handle that much.

Shut up.

Once she does, we're both dead.


Is it the terror of death which makes these thoughts appear? It can't be. Death had stopped bothering me since the first Singularity. Why do these immature thoughts sprung up suddenly?! Now of all times?



The outer wall of Lord Camelot is cracking.

My blood went overdrive. Looking at Mash, her face has said it all. Scared and desperate, all because of the impossible crack of the wall. My thought couldn't be wronger.

She will lose.

" Mash! " I lifted off my left hand, and commanded my final Command Seal in my bid to support her. " Hold your Noble Phantasm beyond your limits! Hold it to your very end! " Fuck, it cannot go like this.

My Command Seal erupted, pouring Mash with his my very last mana reservoir. But even with this, the shield doesn't show any signs of being strengthened.

" Mash, please! " My scream echoed our sanctuary, utterly terrified out of the prospect of failure. Mash stutters, " I won't... .fail you, Senpai! " while clenching her teeth as she's holding her crumbling shield.

The cracks are getting bigger now. I can see it. They keep on fracturing and chipping off the fortress by the passing seconds. My tears are starting to fall off. The pride, the soul I had developed through my journey along the singularities has gone, replaced by the rising dread. I wanted Mash to back down and save ourselves, but there's no use for it. This is our last stand and it's do and die here . Once the shield breaks, it's all over.

Still, I believe in that glimmer of hope. We have to rely on luck if we can even survive this by a piece of flesh. I force my increasingly limp legs and went towards Mash and hold her shoulder, as my only action I can help. For a second, Mash turned towards me. Her shocked expression changed into a serene relief. I sighed in exasperation. You're way too soft, Mash....

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