Chapter 1.3 - From The Flames of Fuyuki

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It's a mistake I couldn't just ignore.

The fire, still blazing throughout all around me. The ruins of buildings sending off the smell of dust and ashes, penetrating my nostrils with its noxious scent.

My mind felt like a confused mess. What happened? How did I get here? There were so many questions that were swirling within my head, and I failed to notice that my body was starting to move on its own.

Was this out of fear? Yeah, definitely. My brain was screaming and shouting at me to move, disregarding the state of destruction surrounding me.

My legs soon pushed and strained as I finally was running. I didn't know where I was going, nor did I know how I was supposed to escape this predicament. Damn it all, I'm never the one to do anything without any contingency, yet here I was... in this scary place.

'Maybe, this is a dream.'

'Maybe, this is an illusion.'

'Maybe.....this is hell.'

All that I could remember before waking up in this horrifying setting, this is a spectacle of impossibility was...

A giant facility. One that was made to protect mankind, history itself. That's why... I chose to be here. So why did everything go wrong like this?!

'I couldn't waste any more time.'

Is there anywhere I can rest? Anywhere I could take a break and absorb this situation properly.

Then I found it, incredibly far from where I was. I can't stop running, as I could tell something about the scenery that felt amiss. I felt being watched but... what could be hidden within these flames?

Despite all I had thought until now, I probably should've predicted the chances that something dangerous might be prowling in this Hell on Earth.

"AUGHHH!" My legs suddenly buckled at the stress, throwing me to the scorched floor of the street I was running through.

'What? What?!'


I recollected my thoughts as I slowly tried to get up, and then I realized something very horrible had occurred.

'My hip... blood?'

Blood was indeed pouring from some newly-made wounds on my sides. I felt my brain overloaded with emotions and thoughts as I could tell I was getting too worked up by the entire situation.

Huh? Huh? HUH?!

Who did this? And how did they sneak up on me so silently?! Where were they hiding?!

I couldn't remember properly, and there was no one in my proximity.

Damn it! How couldn't I notice it?! A stab wound. It's a stab wound! How couldn't I notice it?! In any case, I have to...!

I spat blood, I could feel getting more sick and disoriented by the minute. It didn't take long for my brain to catch up on these symptoms.

Whatever struck me, it must've been laced with poison. Something that acted rapidly from the way I could feel my entire being growing number the more I kept agitating.

'No. I can't die like this. After everything I did, this is not the way I want to go! Not in this hellhole!'

Despite my reluctance to falter, my limbs soon went stiff and difficult to move. From the pace it was going, I could already imagine my mouth closing forcibly in a couple minutes, and in less than ten my heart would stop beating altogether.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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