Chapter 1: Introduction First, Interactions Later

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Who are you?

Where did you come from?

Why are you in here?

Where is she?

How is she?

I can't believe it.

I can't believe it.

You shouldn't be here.

You can't be here.





No. That's not it are...

...what are you?

Chapter 1: Introduction First, Interactions Later

My eyes are spiralling with my entire world in this mess. This light, this feeling, is this....Rayshifting? Impossible. She said I will be reincarnated as a random staff member. How could a normal staff member Rayshift?! Aaaaahhhhh! What is happening anymore?! The Rayshift Process which is deliberately meant to nauseate me scrambles my mind more than it has ever been, due to the hellscape I were in earlier.

I can feel the senses on my body returned as the Rayshifting process ended. My thought is rearranging together and I can start feeling my limbs. Good gracious. Now how can I-wait. Why am I fal-


" Oww! " is what I was going to say, instead, it is replaced with a whimper. Dizzied, I tried to stand up but the for some reason, my boots(?) just wouldn't give support. And just like that, I failed my standing test.

What's with these boots?

With the rest of my consciousness still miles away, I tried to make use what's there to help myself. So I started to think. What the hell is happening? mind repeats again and again. I don't understand the current situation at all. Who am I? There's no way a staff member could Rayshift. Then why would he call me....

" Fou! Fou! " a familiar sound barked.

" Fou..? " I make out my words. Relief couldn't describe it when I know Fou is also here. That little critter has been on my side and Mash's since the first Singularity. There's no way I could ever forget him as our mascot.

" Fou,fou fou. Fou? " His cute barks filled my left side. I could tell he's as confused as me with this entire situation. Enough questions spin across my mind, and I have no patience to think all of it. I have to compose myself and make sense here.

Enough muscles cooperate, and I began to stand up. Miraculously. I felt as if there's nothing wrong. Say, didn't I was crushed earlier? I dismissed the thought when my eyes have enough energy to open.

One after least it comes back-


Impossible! This scene...this catastrophe...this city..this is...! My mouth ran dry when it tries to open. My confused mind was engulfed in a flood of shock, terrifying nostalgia.

Fuyuki. Just as I remember. But why...why did I return to this place?!

I still remember the burning ruins of my city. The abundance of ghouls and skeletons, first encounters of Shadow Servants. The terror of Berserker. The will against Saber. And the death of Olga-Marie. The summary of Singularity F flashed through my mind for a second.

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