Chapter 2

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I looked at the female, picking Delilah up and putting her on my back. I didn't trust her enough to leave Delilah alone with her, but I needed to get some stuff from my room. I had to get it, even though I knew that we were running out of time. "Do I have time to get it?" I asked, and she furrowed her brows and cocked her head in confusion.

"Get what?" she asked.

"Sword," I grunted.

Realization filled those blue eyes of hers, and she nodded. "Yes," she replied. "Where is it?"

"My room," I said. "I have a bag of clothes from that world." I held my hand, silencing her. "It doesn't show my rank. Mom made sure of that."

The female nodded. "Does Her Highness have a bag like it?" she asked, and I nodded in confirmation. "Where?"

"Closet," I replied, nodding towards the closet. "Can you get it for me? You can't miss it." I started to make my way out of the room. I didn't trust her enough to get the sword and my stuff.

"Yes, Your Highness," the female said. She started to make her way to the closet but stopped. Worry and urgency filled her eyes, and I knew that it was because we were almost out of time. "Get the stuff quickly. I'll meet you in the hallway."

I nodded and made my way to my room. "How are you holding up?" I asked, looking at my little sister.

"Ok," she replied. "Sorta."

I raised an eyebrow and looked at her from the corner of my eye. "What do you mean by sort of?" I asked, going into my room. I made it to my closet and opened the door.

"Why did they hide this from me?" she asked.

"They didn't really hide it from you," I said. I walked to the wall and touched the small insignia that had been placed there, hidden from those that didn't know where to look. "They just didn't tell you the whole truth."

"That is what hiding stuff means," she said. She watched as the wall moved and gasped out loud. "Cool," she said. "How did you do that?"

"There was a button that I had pushed," I said. I reached into the dark area and pulled out a sword and a bag of clothes. "It is our insignia. I will tell you more about us later." I placed the bag in my mouth and put the strap of the sheath through my belt.

"Promise?" she asked, and I nodded. She hesitated, and I could tell that she was biting her lip. "And can you bring your guitar?"

I hesitated but nodded. I handed the bag to her before grabbing my guitar case. I was happy that my parents had made the case look like my satchel because I knew that people would question it. "Are you ready to see the world that you have been dreaming of?" I asked.

"Yes," Delilah replied. She paused. "Will we come back here?"

"I don't know," I replied, closing the wall back. I started to make my way to the hallway where I hoped the female was at. "But we will worry about that later."


The female shifted on her feet. Her face was contorted with worry. She was clutching the bag in her hands, and I could tell that they were shaking.

"Are you ok?" I asked, and she jumped, startled.

Her hood fell off of her head, and I could tell that she was an Elf. "Uh... yes," she said. She pulled her hood back over her head, tucking a strand of black hair back into the hood. "We are almost out of time. There were sightings..." She didn't need to say anything else because I knew what she meant. There had been sightings of Dicason near the house.

I nodded and set the guitar case down. I could feel them in the house, and I had no idea if they felt it. "Ok," I said. "Delilah, I am going to need you to get off. We are actually out of time."

Delilah slid off of my back. She watched as I shifted into my lion form and gasped happily.

I chuckled and laid down, indicating for them both to get on.

Delilah grabbed my guitar and got onto my back. She could feel them; I could tell by the fact that her eyes were starting to fill with worry. "Come on, Miss," she said. "We have to go now."

The female Elf nodded. She was about to get onto my back when a fire started downstairs. "We are out of time," she said, her heart pounding in fear. She backed away from me. "Go, Your Highness. I'll catch up."

I hesitated but nodded. I stood my full height and started to run for my parents' room. I knew that I would be able to escape that way and prayed that she would be safe.

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