Chapter 3

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"What are you doing?" Delilah asked, shocked that I was leaving her. "Turn around. We have to help her."

I growled softly and shook my head. I knew what these Dicason would do if they captured us and knew that it would be safer if we left her behind.

"What do you mean 'no'?" Delilah asked. "She is a lady. I thought Papa told you not to leave ladies behind."

I narrowed my eyes and shook my head again. I did not want her to face these creatures; these monsters that had caused us to leave. I knew that the Elf would make it out alive because they wanted us and not her.

Delilah huffed and grabbed my mane. She disapproved of me not going back there to protect her, and I could tell that she was debating on whether or not she should let go and protect her herself.

I growled and snapped at her leg, warning her that it would not be wise for her to jump off. I shoved the door open and ran towards the back window, knowing that it would be the only way for us to escape.

"But, Parker," Delilah complained. "She is a lady. She needs help."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I knew plenty of ladies that did not need help, and I knew that Delilah would be one of them when she was older. I knew that the Elf female would not need help against the Dicason, but she would have needed the help if we stayed.

Her duty and the others were to protect us and make sure we did not get into harm's way. If we did, then it would have been the end for us all.

"Parker, please," Delilah begged, and my heart broke. "We need to help her."

I bit back a sigh, not really wanting to do this but feeling as if I had no choice. I needed to tell her why we couldn't go back for her, and the only way to do that was to use the link between us. 'We can't,' I said through the family link we had. 'Her duty is to protect us. Hold on and lean forward.'

Delilah tightened her grip on me and leaned forward. She did not say a word to me, but I could tell that she was shocked to hear my voice inside her head.

I was about to hit the glass when it broke with something being thrown at it. I didn't look back as I jumped out the window and ran towards the woods.

"Was that you?" Delilah asked, her voice barely a whisper. "Is that what I heard?"

'Yes,' I replied. 'I'll explain everything later, I promise.' I felt the Elven female before I heard her as she came to my side. I glanced at her to see that she was bloodied and trying to hold back a limp. 'Can you move a bit to the front?' I asked.

Delilah did what I had said. She made sure that she still had a hold of everything as she held out her hand. "Parker wants you to hop on," she said, instantly knowing what I was wanting to do.

The Elven female looked at me, her blue eyes wide. Her hood had fallen off of her head, and she made no move to put it back on. "But Y-" She instantly stopped talking when I growled and ducked her head. "Yes, Your Highness," she said. She grabbed hold of Delilah's hand and jumped onto my running back with the ease of an Elf. "Keep going straight," she said. "There is a portal straight ahead."

I nodded and kept going, sensing others around us, and my whole body grew tense. 'Ask her if those around us are friends or foes. If they are foe, then we are in big trouble.'

"Are those around us friend or foe?" Delilah asked in a whisper. She sounded nervous, and I had a feeling that she had felt them too.

"Friend," the Elf said. "They're here to make sure that we get you both safely to Uritha." She looked around, her grip with her legs tightening. "Can you go faster, Your Highness, or do you have too much on your back? I ca-"

I picked up my speed, knowing full well what she was getting at. I did not want her to get off and run with that leg of hers, especially with a sister like Delilah, who would scold me for leaving someone injured on their own.

I could feel us getting closer to the portal and took in a deep breath. Excitement filled my body because I was ready to go back but nervous about what I would be getting into. I knew that I was going to have to hide who I really was and make sure that Delilah didn't let it slip out that we were the Prince and Princess.

'Get ready to hold on tightly,' I said, counting down the seconds and picking up my speed again. 'Tell her.'

"Parker says hold on tight," Delilah said, relaying what I had told her. She clutched my mane tighter and held onto the stuff tightly. She took a deep breath, and I could tell that she closed her eyes just as I jumped through the portal with them both clutching tightly.

I closed my eyes as well, knowing that I needed to protect my sight from this jump. I had no idea what was on the other side, and I prayed that there was nothing bad. If there was, then all hell will break loose as I try to protect my sister from a world that she had only heard in stories that my parents and I told her when she was younger.

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