Back story (Part 1)

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Author POV

"Y/n!!!!" You heard someone yell u turned around to see who it was , to your surprise it was your mom. "Hey mom what to u want?" You asked while looking up u noticed her face was all red and puffy. "Y/n you need to get out of here run as fast as you can and don't turn back" she said while gasping for air , "what are you talking abt mom-" before u could finish u heard horses and the military police surrounding both of u with their swords out. "M-Mommy w-what is happening?" You managed to ask since guards were holding swords to a six year old girl and her mom you were scared.
"Oh so she doesn't know?" Said one of the guards while getting down from his horse and walked up to your mother which she backed away every time he gets closer.A guard came from behind you and grabbed you got scared,  and your eyes went from (e/c) to a very dark bloody red and black pupils, Step back every one step back your mom yelled,  ignoring your mother the guard started dragging you but then you stopped he turned around to see u with razor sharp claws and fangs your hair floating in the air .
"What the hell!" He said all of a sudden you started murmuring stuff that they couldn't hear then all of them started screaming in pain and fell to their knees, you looked up from the ground and said u messed with M-Mommy now u shall die" u said with a creepy smile.
"No no stop Y/n listen to me it will only make it worse" she pleaded. You stopped to look at yourself and saw what u looked like then you turned back to normal next thing u know u blacked out the only thing you remember was your mom yelling your name.

Time skip~

You woke up to a shooting pain which caused to you to yell and when u looked around you were not in your home instead in a prison cell with your mom on the floor to the corner sobbing.
"M-Mommy where are we? Why are you crying ?" You asked getting closer with each second u stopped once u saw she had scars and bruises all over her body.
"Mom what happened?" You yelled which resulted to her looking up shocked and also relieved you were awake. She ran over to you and hugged u so tight like it was the last time you two were going to see each other.
"Y/n I thought I lost you" she said letting you go," Listen sweetheart I got to tell u something really important"she said with a sad tone.
"Mommy will be going to a place very far and I'm not coming back " she said
"W-what a-re y-you t-talking about?" U asked on the verge of crying.
Y- where are u going please don't leave me
M- sigh I'm sorry honey but we will meet each other one day
Y- hmm? Why can't I go with you?
M- nevermind that listen i shouldn't tell you right now but I don't have a choice
Y- what is it ?
M- Ever since you were born you had this uncanny abilities when people saw that they panicked thinking that you were a witch and tried to kill you.
Y- is that why I was never allowed to go outside and play with other kids?
M- yes but I'm not done, ever since then I kept u hidden from the world so I can keep u safe but one day a word got out that u were still alive.
Y- so that's why they beat you up it's because of me you said while tears escaping your face.
M- No no it is not but, today is the last day we will see each other. She finished of while hugging yoy tightly.
Y- b-but where are you going so I can come and visit
M- well that place is called heav- she got caught of by guard opening your cell and looking at you and your mother with sad eyes.
It is time he said, your mom got up and started going to the door you followed but he stopped you and said look out the window. You got confused and looked at your mom she told u to go but before you did she hugged you and kissed you and said "Remember me I love you, see you on the other side".     
You didn't know what she meant before  you could ask she was already gone, you looked outside the window and saw a lot of people gathered with torches and knifes and weapons.
You got scared but the next thing you saw scared you even more, you saw your mom on her knees getting wiped and blood all over her cloth. Guards started kicking her, punching,wiping to the point she had to fall face flat.
"MOM!! stop it , no , please" you yelled but nobody can hear you snice you were on a building.
Then a guard pulled her to a stage looking thing you thought he was gonna make a speech or something about people like her but the he brought a rope to her neck the you realized what was happening,  your mom was being hanged and you couldn't do anything about it. In that moment you stopped moving everything went in slow motion, you heart beat deep and fast, eyes wide and tears and the corners.

Inside your head

" why aren't I moving god she is infront of me no no I gotta save her, I gotta save mom"

Back to author pov

When you finally snapped back to reality it was to late the guard pulled the lever and you saw your mother bloody dead body hanging from a rope, at that moment you realized there is nothing good about humanity.

Then you heard the guard who killed your mom say "next we shall kill her daughter and they both will rotten in hell. You gait scared and stumbled back a few steps and started crying,  but then you stopped then said "well atleast I get to see Mommy"with that you put on the biggest smile which terrified onenof the guards that came to get you. I mean a kid who just witnessed her own mothers death smiling about it.

When you got to the middle of the crowd the everyone saw that you were smiling. "What the hell" thought the guard( lets just name him James) then he said" instead of hanging her lets get her out of the walls and let her hmget eatin by the titans". Yeah!!! The crowd screamed and cheered but he stopped them and said we can't do it today but we will tomorrow due to the time right now everyone scram.

Time skip~

You saw people spread and leave while you got dragged to the cell and locked up. You sighed and said I'm joining you mommy we will be together. But then a glow came you saw a figure, you stood up and said hello what do you want?
The glow started talking saying "HIII wow oh my god you are so cute, oh silly me I'm your guardian angel."
"Wait what I have a guardian angel?"
"Ohh yess you do and I got a message for you from your mom" he said ( and yes his a he).
"She told me to tell you that you should not just accept you are going to die, you need to fight those titans with your abilities with your guardian angels help which is me ^-^,And keep on smiling and joking around don't be so serious it might be dangerous but I know you will make it make me proud love mom" he said finishing the scroll in his hand.
"Listen kid I know it is alot to take in but it will be easy an-" you cut him of and say it is ok i will do it for you mom.
"Oh wow that was unexpected anyways I'm Michael and you?"
"Oh my name is Y/n Relish"(sry I had to make your last name like that you will understand later)

The next day

Instead of getting banned from the wall they thought you had to suffer a little more than quick death by a titan.
So they started torturing you cutting,beating , kicking and way more but you always smiled after month of abuse getting physically hurt but mentally happy made you go mad , and by mad I meant crazy, psycho.

Few month later

"It is time for you to die filthy brat." Said one james with that he dragged you to the gates with lots of people waiting for you to get kicked out.
Ohh~ did all of these people came to say goodbye how sweet~.( btw since you went coco you kinda have a jack sparrow accent you can speak normally but this became your default accent)
"Tch shut up brat now OPEN THE GATES" he yelled then the gates opened then they started pushing but you ran saying "FREEDOM!!" Which shocked everyone but the didn't care except for 3 kids from the crowd.

In love with a psycho ( Eren x Reader x Levi )Where stories live. Discover now