Chapter 5

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Time skip

  After a very comfortable silence while cleaning with Levi you finished up and asked" may I ask you a question?".
He looked at you and nodded his head and waited for your question.

"How the hell do you not get tired of cleaning this much? and don't ask how I know how you are a clean freak" you said making him make his famous 'tsk' and ignore your question. Yall finished up and it was time for dinner so you guys gathered up in the mess hall. When you entered the room was almost full the only seat that was left was next to Sasha who was sitting in front of  the Jean and Connie. You grabbed your lunch and sat next to her. "Hey Y/n can I have you-" you cut her off by putting the bread you had in her mouth and gave her the full meal. "Hey aren't you hungry?" asked Connie.

" No I'm not just don't feel like eating right now" you said he nodded and went back to eating his food. You guys were talking mostly them you felt a pair of eyes burning at the back of your head. You looked up to see one girl from another squad staring at you.

You stood up from your spot and went over to her which caught some of the cadets attention. Then you slammed your hand on the table if there weren't any cadets looking at you there are now.

"What are you staring at?" you asked not caring who was looking at you.

"Nothing I was just wondering how can a weakling like you get a free ticket while we had to do hard training?" she said looking at you with a slight smirk.

Your faced dropped from a normal face to a deadly glare you got close to her ear and whispered " I suggest you shut the fuck up before I put one of my fist in your mouth the other in you butthole and make them connect at your heart and make it explode and i have done it before i can do it again with no problem." you moved away from her to see a frightenend face like she was surrounded by titans with no one to save her.

You let out a little chuckle and was about to leave until she said " you pshycopath, are you insane!".

"Well pshyco is my nickname and am i insane or not hmm I don't know should we findout" you said eyes wide with a creepy grin and you getting closer to her.

Well now she was scared trembling on her spot she shook her head and you backed up leaving the hall and the people in it completely speechless.

Everyone looked at eachother and back at the girl who was now looking down at her meal still scared of you. Her comrades asked what you whispered to her, which she told them leaving everyone to go back to eating their food in silence. It was already time to go to sleep you had to bunk with the rest if the girls wgich you felt incredibly uncomfortable even tho you are a girl yourself.

After you made sure everyone was asleep you quickly went out unnoticed, well atleast you thought so. You grabbed your ODM gear and snuck to the forest. You made your way to the walls and you were about to jump. "STOP!!" you heard two familiar voices call to you.

"Where do you think your going?" asked Levi apparently and the other person was Hange. Both standing there waiting for you to reply then Hange came over and said "Y/n why are you here?".

They kept asking you questions but they didn't notice you were moving closer to the edge about to jump. Then you yelled " YEET!! CAN'T CATCH ME NOW!!".

They got shocked but followed you but your were so far away from there reach even levi was struggling to get to you. After a long search they found you in one of the trees hiding but you didn't notice them. Levi told Hange to go back to the walls and he would bring you back.

Your pov

I sigh relieved that I lost them but if they find me I would have to go back to the walls where my freedom is took away from me i don't want that. I was looking at the moon and there was a lake few miles away and somewiod life the view was breath taking. I stood there forgetting that I was getting chased and in a titan filled area.

Levi pov

I saw her standing on a tree branch, her s/c skin glowing under the moon light, her h/c h/l flowing with the night breeze.

In love with a psycho ( Eren x Reader x Levi )Where stories live. Discover now