Backstory (part2)

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Author pov

Those three kids were amazed at how you got out all exited and yelling freedom.

"Hey Mikasa do you think I can go out the walls one day?" Eren asked with hope and excitement in his eyes.
She replied with a simple "no" which brought his spirit down then a kid with blond hair asked "Hey Eren do you think she will survive out there?" Without his gaze leaving the closing gates.
"Hmm? Oh no she won't, those titans will take her out and eat her and there is nothing she can do" Eren answerd.
"Poor girl well atleast she will get reunited with her mom" then she turned the other way and started walking while Armin followed but Eren stayed by the gates and thought " I will remember what she said and lead our people to FREEDOM".

A little time skip to about a year

"Hey Michael did mom ever sent another scroll like last year?" You asked with a small voice since there was a titan around and you didn't want to get caught.

You've been training with Micheal everyday for a whole year for 12 hours straight per day without food then after practice you get to eat,but not much since you wanted to stay fit. It might be alot of work for a six year old but you did it anyways for your mom and dad ( I shall talk abt the dad later on the story). You trained to kill titans with swords and 3dmg gear that Micheal would steal from the walls now and then so you could train with it.

As for your uncanny abilities you would train an extra 3 hours from the normal schedule. Micheal said it was to much for a six year old but yoh refused to stop and continue (ohh~ Y/n is a badass 😎 👌).

These are your abilities down below:

Super Senses: your senses are super high and can help you when killing titans.
Agility:  is the ability to change body position efficiently and requires the interrogation of isolated movement  skills using combination of balance , strength and endurance.
Monster: This one when activated u get claws,fangs and bloody red eyes with black pupils. This will get you to get physically stronger and move faster but  if you use it while you are angry it takes over you.
The backlash of this is that if you use it to much it gives you nightmares, headaches and alot of blood vomiting.
Which is why you don't use your abilities that much.

Back to the story

"Idk kid she didn't even talk to me but I know she is very proud of what you did to get here even tho you just turned 7 few weeks ago" he said which made you chuckle, and like the rest of the days you went of killing titans.

Back at inside the walls  of Maria

"Ugh but I wanna join the scouts why won't mom let me?" Eren aked , whole Mikasa just stayed silent while Armin was reading his books.They both ignored him cause this happens every day.

Then suddenly Armin asked " Hey guys look over here the book says something about uncanny abilities","so" Eren replied in an i don't know what you're talking about tone.

The three kids gathered around and started reading

Uncanny abilities

This abilities were seen and discovered by some scientists doing experiments when one accidentally invented it. The potion fell on one of the scientists causing the glass to break and enter his skin stabbing him in the arm , the liquid all over him. Once he took it out some of the fluid entered his body. It didn't affect him at once but several days later he started experiencing alot of weird stuff.
Like super senses,agility and many more they appeared one by one every year but soon went out of control. We had to stop him but by the time we went to his house we saw he had a child and a wife. We managed to kill him. But when we tried to see if the child had his powers we were to late. They were gone. So we live in the fear of the child growing up to be a threat to humans and the world.

"Wow that is unbelievable!" Armin said
"Yeah it is but do you think the kid will come back?" Mikasa asked, Eren shrugged and they all separated back to their home all wondering the same thing " is the girl from the book the same one from last year".

Time skip to when all of them are 10 years old.

You inhaled and exhaled deeply which caused Micheal to  look at you with a confused look. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked looking at you with loving eyes.
Over the years you and Michael lived and did everything together which made you love him like he is your own brother and that you would die for him.
But when you found out he is an immortal.


"Hey Michael how old are you anyways?" You asked while training to use your swords he looked at you and replied "umm well I turned 935 few month ago " he replied. You stood there with a dumbfounded face then said"whaaaaat?how? How is that even possible?","heh well I'm imortal so..".
You stood there looking at a 935 year old man who looks like a freaking 19 year old. You snapped back to reality when he tackled you down and held a fake sword to you throat, " never get distracted by anything or anyone and if you do it should be to save someone or dodge an attack and for that you need to be extra quick". He lifted you up and you said "literally tho you look really young we need to talk about this!", he chucled and yall went to rest for the rest of the day.
End of flashback

"It is just i have this feeling that something bad is about to happen." You replied.

Back inside the walls

"Guys i-its t-the t-titans but that one is huge armin" yelled to Eren and Mikasa, which looked shocked at the titan who was holding the wall. Then all of a sudden at the bottom of the wall the titan kicked it causing it to break sending flying rocks and crashing houses and people. Titans started flooding in with huge smiles, weird body forms and reaching out to people.

In a panic people ran all over, some stuck in the same spot from the absolute fear and shock going through their body.
Then all of a sudden they heard a loud yell from the titan who was holding the wall everyone looked up to see a figure slicing the titans arm. They thought it was the scouts but the person looked to small to be.

Back to you

You sliced through his arm without a sign of emotion leaving his arm to fall of, but then he vanished out of site you got confused until you heard screaming from the people so you went down to help. You saved people from. Titans you couldn't save all of them since you were  only 10 and you were outnumbered. When you turned to a corner you saw a woman getting eaten by a titan you tried to save her but it was to late. You saw two kids one yelling for the woman while being carried by one of the scouts, the other one running. Then you sliced the name of the titans neck leaving it on the floor you look up to see that the three of themm looking at you. You walked closer to them and said " sorry I couldn't save ger on time but now I gotta save you guys, I'll clear the way from. Titans for you to get to safety now come-on" you spoke showing sympathy in your eyes, they didn't say anything but followed. You saw few titams and killed them on the way when you finally reached there you said your farewell and was about to go until you heard some one yell.
"Wait, a-aren't y-you coming with us?" The boy asked, you shacked your head then replied " no i gotta make sure people get on board safely".

With that you got on top of are roof, before you jumped you saw a titan reaching out to the boat, you quickly reacted cutting his arms and legs off within a few seconds. People stared at you with shocked expression because its not everyday you see a young girl attack a titan. You cut the nape of the neck the landed on the boat, with some blood on your cloth you looked at it with disgust in your eyes and made a tch. You looked up to see people  staring at you " hehe hello fellow humans, uhh I shall go oh and remember me as a psycho" you leaped from roof to roof leaving the people to there faith because your body got weaker.

In love with a psycho ( Eren x Reader x Levi )Where stories live. Discover now