Chapter 25

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        "They've been in there for a long time, I'm starting to get worried," Sqaishey says. And it's true. They'd been talking for such a long time that me and Finnball searched around and found a deck of cards and started to play go fish with Rosie. Sqaishey was literally on the verge of falling asleep. "I swear, it's been at least half an hour," I say as I give Finnball an eight card. "Hey, I have an idea!" I exclaim. "Amy, are you thinking what I think you are?" Finnball asks tiredly. "Yes!" I answer, then pull out my knock back Lovely Jubbly.

        "My head still hurts from when you last used that thing," Finnball complains. "Really?" Rosie asks him. "No, I just didn't want to be launched again," he admits with a grin. "I have an idea, lets go find a zombie and see how far we can launch to each other," Sqaishey suggests. "How are we going to do that?" Nicole asks, still holding her arm out in an attempt to unfreeze our slippery friend. Sqaishey pulls out a knock back sunkiss flower and grins.

        "Of course you got a sunkiss flower, you love yellow!" Rosie laughs. She smiles at her and looks over at me. "Me and Finnball can go find a zombie, you guys get ready to do this."

         "Alright, lets go find a zombie, Finn," Sqaishey says. They get up and as they head down they hall, I can make out a bit of their conversation. "Hey! That's what Lily Ann calls me!" Finnball exclaims. I laugh a little to myself and start making my way to the other end of the room.


        "Why, Justin? Why are you doing this to me? You're supposed to be my brother," I say to him sadly. He looks at me with a dumbfounded look on his face. "I-I thought y-you hated m-me. T-that's what Dad said. He said that you hated me so much you left, and that it was my fault that you did," he stutters. What? Are you serious? "Dad said that? Trust me, Justin, you're not the reason I left home. I wanted to explore, find new worlds! Dad didn't want me to, so that's why I left in the middle of the night," I explain.

        Hit The Target- or should I say, my brother -stares me straight in the eyes, then bursts into tears. I get up and slowly make my way over to him. Hesitantly, I lay my paw on his back, and start moving it up and down. He sniffs loudly and looks up at me. I smile at him and kneel down next to the chair. "D-dad didn't take you leaving well, either," he says as he gets over his tears. "Why? What happened?" I ask nervously.

        "He...he turned evil. He started traveling to different worlds more often, leaving me alone at home, and confront innocent villages asking if they'd seen you. And if they said they didn't, or if they had seen you but didn't know where you were now, he'd destroy the village. The reason I came here was because I was hoping that I could convince you to come home, so he wouldn't always be so miserable. After all, you were his favorite. I decided to look for you myself when he came home one day. His eyes were completely white, and he had a new nickname." Oh, I really hope he isn't who I think he is. "What was it?" I ask hoarsely. "Herobrine."


        "Three, two, one, fling!" I yell to Sqaishey. Seconds later a zombie comes flying at me, and I quickly whack it back with my Lovely Jubbly. "I didn't know you'd be that quick!" Sqaishey yells, shooting the zombie back at me. "Are you okay?" I call. "I got hurt a little, but I'm regenerating, so it's fine," she answers. "Oh okay." "This is awesome!" Finnball yells. "I know!" I call.

        I shoot the zombie back but this time it doesn't come back at me. "Guys, what happened?" I yell. They don't answer, which worries me a bit. "Hey, guys! What happened?" I call louder. "Sorry, I didn't hear you! And Sqaishey killed the zombie!" Finnball yells. "It was an accident!" she complained.

        They jog over to me and we all sit down by our frozen friends. "Wow, Sqaishey. Way to ruin the fun," Finnball teases her. "It wasn't my fault!" she repeats. "Relax, he's kidding, darling. What do you want to-" I say but am cut off when the door that Stampy and Hit The Target went into opens and shuts loudly. I turn around to see Stampy in tears.

         Finnball starts to walk over to him. "Stampy what's-" "We're going. We're getting our friends and we're going. No questions," Stampy says through gritted teeth. After he says that, I hear a loud noise, and turn around to see the ice that was surrounding our friends seconds ago had completely vanished. Squid, Ash, Netty, and Nicole all collapse on the ground, coughing their lungs out. "Are you okay?" I ask them nervously. Me and Finnball rush over and help them up while Sqaishey goes over to Stampy.

        "Sorta. I'm pretty cold, though," Squid answers. "Where's Nicole?" "Here," she coughs. He gets up and kneels down next to her. "You okay?" he asks. "Same as you are, cold," she laughs. Squid helps her up and I go over to Ash and Netty. "I'm guessing you guys are the same as Squid and Nicole?" Finnball asks them. "Yea, but I think I might have almost gotten hypothermia," Ash says.

        "Don't joke about that!" Netty scolds him. "I'm not joking! I'm serious!" he argues. "Jeez, Ash, you do look a bit blue. Lets get you guys home," Finnball says as he helps Ash up. I go over and help Netty up from the floor, and she leans on my shoulder while we go meet up with Squid, Nicole, Sqaishey, and Stampy. Stampy still looks extremely upset, and Sqaishey is trying to console him. "Can we go home now? I'm freezing!" Squid exclaims, shivering. "Yea, lets go," I laugh.

So...what up? Oh yea, this is an author's note. Okay, I've thought of something now. I wanted to thank you guys for all the support you are giving me, and I realized this last night. I had uploaded another chapter to My Opinions (which if you haven't read, stop reading this and go check it out) and within seconds I had already gotten 2 votes and like 10 reads. It doesn't seem like much, I know, but within seconds?! You guys are insane!! So I wanted to thank you, not just on that book, but everyone who is reading one of my books. You have no idea how much it means to me when I see that someone is reading and enjoying my book. And I'm actually doing a dedication. This chapter goes to @Iballisticsqampy for making me feel awesome on a bad day from a comment they wrote. Thank you, and peace out! (Oh and btw, I just found this song called Centuries by Fall Out Boy and it's amazing!!!! You've gotta check it out!!!)

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