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Hey, everyone! Today's Black Friday, and in honor of that, I'm going to be ranking the Black Friday songs! Disclaimer, all of these songs are amazing, and I'm listening to the soundtrack right now in honor of the holiday. And this is very very very hard.

17) What Tim Wants

Dylan's vocals kill in this song, but I find myself going back to it the least, and when I do, it's for Dylan's singing, and not the song itself.

16) What Do You Say?

Okay, I can sing this entire song by heart, and this is a shipper's anthem. I just get second-hand embarassment everytime I listen to it. (This is actually the song on as I'm typing it, and my cheeks feel hot from embarassment.)

15) Take Me Back

Personally disclaimer, I'm not one for romance songs, so that affects this songs ranking. The vocals are god-tiered, and Dylan and Kim absolutely killed it.

14) If I Fail You

I feel so awful for putting all of Dylan's solo's so low, but I'm more into upbeat songs that I can dance to. Though, I do have my times where I want a song that can make me contemplate my life, and this is one of the ones I go to when I want that.

13) Monsters and Men

I love PEIP, but I have a good deal of songs I like more than Monsters and Men. Also, Howie? Amazing. "It is the Monsters that shall live in dread." is so inspirational too.

12) Wiggle

At the climax of the play, Wiggle is the absolute perfect song, and captivates everything perfectly. But just like other songs, I find myself going to it not as much as others

11) Monsters and Men (reprise)

The best part is Jamie's screaming harmonizing at the end, and I'll stand that.

10) Do You Want To Play?

I love singing this song to freak people out. In the play, it has this certain eerie tone to it, that I love. And Dylan's scream made me jump when I first watched it. (That could also be because I watched it at 6 a.m. the morning it came out because it came out when I was sleeping, and I was still in bed.)

9) Adore Me

"Unless you get what I shit," is such an iconic line, I can not. And Lauren is *chef kiss* perfect.

8) Made In America

As an American, this song hit somewhere different, and really reminded me about our government. Also, Joey's vocals here were amazing.

7) Black Friday

I love how much Lex cares about Hannah, and this song definitely expresses that.

6) Wiggly Jingle

I love to dance to this song, and I always have a mini dance party to it. I did this morning actually.

5) Doors Are Open

Corey Dorris in Doors Are Open? Thing of legends right now.

4) Feast or Famine

The chaotic energy in this song gives me life. I dance my heart out at this song.

3) Deck The Halls (of Northville High School)

Even though I can very well state I was slightly confused when it first came, I quickly came over that when I realised how much of a bop the song itself is. Another great one to dance to. And it's the first christmas season I know this song, so will I be singing it often. You bet.

2) CaliforM.I.A.

I can't even begin to describe this song. It just makes you want to jump on a plane and fly to California with Ethan, Lex, and Hannah. And Ethan and Lex are literally what I imagine every couple should be (Not that my oblivious aro/ace self knows much about that) without actually being a romance centered song, and I live for it.

1) What if Tomorrow

The cliffhanger at the end of Black Friday left us on the edge of our seats, and we can't deny that Kendall has vocals that were showcased super well in this song. One of my favorites to sing, and one of my favorites overall, and my favorite in Black Friday

What's your ranking?

Happy Black Friday!


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