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Katok had headed back towards the city to begin his work day. Hei-Ran was cooking some seal bacon and Arctic hen eggs for breakfast when Atuat returned from waking the girls. Her back was turned to the door as she prepared food over the counter.

Those girls cannot be controlled

What do you mean?

Hei-Ran raspily replied.

Their hands are all over each other the moment the door closes behind them. It's actually quite adorable if you ask me.

Atuat that's my daughter!

All I'm saying is I'm glad she has someone who really cares about her. Much better than that Sinna girl.

Right then Kyoshi and Rangi walked in. Kyoshi's hand on the small of Rangi's back guiding her into the largest hut.


Kyoshi said confusedly.

Rangi froze. She hadn't planned on telling Kyoshi that the last time she spent a few months in the Northern Water Tribe she had made a new friend. Sinna didn't mean anything to Rangi but ... spirits ... the thought of her touch made her chest tighten.

Oh just another healer down at the hospital that I became friends with when we were here last... haha.

You never told me about any friends while you were here

We didn't really have time, Kyoshi. So much happened so fast after we reunited I didn't have time to fill you in.

She got on her top toes and kissed Kyoshi's cheek.

Don't worry about it baby.

Kyoshi dropped it for now but was curious to know more about this healer friend of Rangi's. The four women sat down for breakfast as Jinpa walked in.

Good morning Jinpa!

Atuat said happily.

Good morning everyone

He bowed respectfully and grabbed himself a plate. The air bender continued,

Thank you Hei-Ran this looks wonderful. So, today I am escorting the Avatar to meeting with the Northern Water Tribe leadership. You three are heading to the hospital for some healing sessions, right?

That's right.

Atuat replied.

Do you know what we'll be discussing, Jinpa?

The avatar said between bites. Thinking about Rangi seeing her mysterious healer friend again made her nervous for some reason. She trusted Rangi but her unwillingness to go into detail about her friendship made her want to know more.

Yes I believe we'll be filling the royal family in on the state of affairs in the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation. There's talk that things are taking a turn for the worse under Zoryu's rule.

Did he not get the message when I sent someone to threaten him?!

I guess not. We may have to take a more... diplomatic approach.

This was not Kyoshi's strong suit. She was a strong bender but was not good at discussing international affairs. Yun was excellent at schmoozing diplomats and world leaders alike. He facilitated many treaties during his reign as "the avatar" but all of those negotiations seem to be null and void now that he is gone and stripped of his title. Kyoshi wished she could be more like him. She missed him. Not the version of him at the end but the playful boy she grew up with. He was kind and caring. He would've made a better avatar than Kyoshi, she thought.

Well I'm going to wash up and then we can get going.

The elder fire bender announced as she got up and washed her dishes. She pulled her fur coat back on and headed to her personal hut to shower and change. Little did she know that Atuat had followed shortly behind her.

Hei-Ran turned the warm water on and stripped out of her loose pants and white tank top. She heard front door shut as she peered her head around the bathroom door. Hmm.

Hey there

Atuat slowly approached her and Hei-Ran grabbed a towel to cover herself up.

Oh hey. Sorry I wasn't expecting you.

I know. Sorry I have a habit of just walking into places.

Atuat giggled.

I know you probably weren't expecting me to be sleeping with Katok this morning

No, no. Oh I ... uh... was just bringing you tea I should've respected your privacy.

She straightened up trying to put on her tough fire bender posture. Atuat came closer and caressed her friends cheek.

It's okay hun.

She'd called her hun just like she'd called Katok this morning. She blushed. Looked down for a second and then returned to a strong stoic face.

I was just going to shower. Is there anything you needed?

No. Just wanted to come say hi.

Atuat then leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Hei-Ran's cheek.

She was stuck in place not knowing what to do.

I... uh...

The fire bender stumbled on her words. Her fortified walls crumbled down and Atuat giggled.

See you outside soon.

The water bender left. Hei-Ran stood in silence for a moment thinking about what just happened. Maybe that's what friends just do? No. But she had to be reading this wrong.

After a moment she stepped into the shower and washed herself clean. She thought about what it would feel like for Atuat's lips to be on her own and how her hands could graze up her sides. She let out a soft moan at the thought.

She let her mind run free for a minute before finishing up and meeting the other girls. They started to head for the hospital as Jinpa and Kyoshi began their tasks for the day.

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