Chapter 2 - Shadows of the Past

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Millions of thoughts ran through my head at that very moment.


My Mason.


Is he the enemy?

Will he hurt me?

Whatever happened to him after they took me away?

Is that malice I see in his eyes?

All of these questions and more remain unanswered as my panic level was rising. My judgment clouded, I emerged from my hiding spot. I may regret this later.


He turned to me; how I missed that face. He never visited me in the hospital. At first I see an unmistakable look of guilt and regret flash across his face, but it is quickly masked by an evil smirk.

"Why, Mason? What happened to you?"

"Silly girl, we were friends only in childhood, but I am a man now. You are nothing to me. I fight for a good cause, a good cause that requires me to keep you locked away." His voice was cold, but his body language gave away how uncomfortable he was.

"You monster! You ignore our friendship that used to be. You lock me away in that-that prison!" I spat. "What happened to the sweet, small Mason of the past?" I asked, my voice softening. I was immediately pulled into a memory from a day long ago that I still wish had never happened.






It was an average summer day. Mason and I were playing at the rusty, old playground, even though we were too old for it. We laughed, ran, danced, shouted like idiots, and did all the things that two carefree nine-year-olds should. He was chasing me around the swing set, laughing like a mad man. I jumped behind a bush, unable to suppress my giggles. I was taking calming breaths when Mason plopped down beside me, breathing heavily.

"So, Evie, you really need to work on your stealth, I could hear your high-pitched giggles from, like, a mile away," he said, suppressing a laugh.

"Oh, shut up!" I giggled, punching him in the arm. "At least I tread lightly. You just romp around like a maniac!"

"Maybe that's because I am a maniac!" he shouted, throwing his shoe at me.

Our laughter was cut short as a tall man approached us clearing his throat. His ominous presence was intimidating to the point where I was shaking in my skin. I could have sworn our little safe haven of a playground dropped ten degrees right then and there.  Mason sensed my fear and gently grabbed my hand.  "Good afternoon. I have come to collect an Eve Linn for the purpose of testing her abilities. I have the consent signature of the parents, and Miss Linn, you will come with me willingly or I will have to force you. Say goodbye to your friend; you will not see him for a long time, young lady. You will be fed and provided with a uniform. Please come now."

My parents consent signature.  My heart wrenched open to leave all of my love behind.  

"No!" I shouted. "You can't take me away from everyone! I don't want to leave!"

"Is this about your power?" Mason asked whispering. There was a look of pure sadness and defeat in his eyes. "I thought we could keep it to ourselves, keep you safe." He and I were the only ones who knew about the developing power at the time; at least that was what I thought.

The man gripped my shoulder, beginning to haul me away from Mason. I tried to think of what to do, but my mind went blank. I choked out, "Run, get as far away from here as possible! Please, Mason. And please don't forget me." Those were my last words to him.

Poor Mason, scared and heartbroken, watching the unfathomable as I was taken away from him. We had been best friends, inseparable. This stranger had managed to tear us apart.

I wish he had tried to stop the man from taking me even though I told him not to.

I wish he came back to rescue me.

I wish this had never happened.

I wish.






I was pulled back into reality as the adult Mason was shaking me, trying to get me to snap out of it. "Eve," he said, not bothering to hide the worry on his face. "Look, I can't let them put you back in that place; I saw what it did to you. It changed you. I'm letting you go, but there will be other troops sent out to look for you. You will need to be careful. Tread lightly," he said, a sad grin spreading across his face, no doubt remembering the last time those words were shared between us. "You'll need to head east, away from the hospital where you were kept before. Don't talk to anyone. Keep your head down, and stay safe, Eve. I'm so sorry." With those last words, he tossed me his canteen and compass. Not even taking any time to register the fact that he cared, I checked the compass and started to run east.

Muscles burning, chest aching, I was running yet again.

A/N: So if you loved it, vote.  If you didn't, comment what you think.  If you think I'm cool, fan me.  If you have ever breathed, do all three!  Heheheh...

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