II. Dinner Feast & More Friends

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(A/N for later in chapter: girls and boys are no longer separated in dorms, but they do have separate bathrooms!)
TW: Swearing

I waved to Niki as I went to go sit on the far left of the Gryffindor table, until I saw that Tommy boy.. When I met him he was really loud, seemed annoying. I sighed and started walking away, until i had to bump into someone, for the second time today. I rubbed my nose, and looked up at them. A onyx haired boy with the same colored iris' and a bandana around his forehead looked back down at me. I backed up, said sorry and decided it would be best if I just sat with someone I knew.
"Hey, wait," the bandana boy said. "I saw you on the train, what's your name?"
I stayed silent for a while, "Uh. Rey."
"Cool, I'm Sapnap."
I nod and walk towards Tommy. "Tommy!" I say and wave towards him.
He waves back, "Hey woman! How was the rest of the train ride?"
"Meh." I reply.
He hums in understanding, and then says, "Have any younger siblings? I heard a guy in 4th year Slytherin has a sister named Drista that's gon be sorted today."
"Ohhh... I don't actually though.. If I did that would be a lot of work to just keep them in check." I say, looking up to the front of the hall.
The first years enter the hall, and it quiets. I shuffle to the edge of my seat and look around for anyone I know. I see a first year girl who has that same smiley face mask as the guy I bumped into before... 'They must be siblings.'
Headmaster McGonagall speaks the yearly speech and starts the sorting. A small girl with brown hair gets sorted into Hufflepuff, where Niki greets her. The blonde haired girl with the smiley face mask had gotten sorted into Gryffindor, which was quite a surprise to me. She walked towards the empty seats beside me and sat down. Introducing herself as the girl Tommy mentioned before, Drista, she said that she already knew who I was, and admired me.
My face contorted into one of surprise, "You- know who I am? But how?" I ask.
"My brother, Dream, tells me that you even beat him in academics. That's pretty good.. Even if you're a year younger than him," She says then continues, "I also think you're really pretty.." Drista smiled.
"Thank you, i'm flattered!" I smile and giggle a bit.

The rest of the sorting passes by smoothly, and the feast begins. Drista and Tommy grab everything around them, chowing down immediately. I chuckle and tell them to slow down. They both give me a dirty look, look at each other, and then burst out laughing. I could feel someone burning holes into the back of my head so I turn around. To my surprise, in my line of sight is Wilbur, and Drista's brother (and who I assume to be his friend—of which is a Ravenclaw with brown hair and white and black sunglasses— who is sitting at the Slytherin table). My eyebrows furrowed at Drista's brother, and I smiled and waved at Wilbur, then turned back around again.
"Hey," Drista said, tapping me on the shoulder.
"Hm? What is it?" I replied.
She gave a closed-eye smile, "I want you to meet some of my friends later, alright?"
I nodded and smiled back, then started eating my own food.

Drista tugged on my sleeve hem, and I looked at her. She motioned for me to follow her so I did. We walked through the still beautiful halls, "Do you know where to go?" I asked.
She looked back at me nervously, "Well... They told me to meet them where the black lake is, and I was hoping you could direct us there?"
I laughed and nodded. I then let her follow me to the designated spot, where we saw a few kids waiting.
"Come here," Drista said and smiled.
"Coming." I replied.
A boy with long pink hair in a braid stared at us as we walked towards them, and I noticed he had almost the most stunning blue eyes i've ever seen—a noticeable Slytherin. Another had black fringe hiding under a black beanie—a Gryffindor. A ginger-headed boy tried to not look nervous as he kept peeking to look at us, and is a Gryffindor as well. The only girl in the group didn't stand out very much, she had ash blonde hair and blue eyes, and appeared to be a Ravenclaw.
Drista started to introduce the group, "Rey, Techno—Techno, Rey." She said, nodding to the pink haired guy. "This is Alex, but he likes to be called Quackity." I nodded along.
"That's Fundy," the ginger, "and the nice lady would be Alyssa." Drista explained.
"Nice to meet all of you, i'm Rey, if you didn't know already.. I'm a third year."
Techno spoke up, "I am as well."
"I'm a second year.." Fundy said.
"I'm a second year!" Quackity exclaimed.
Alyssa hushed him, then said, "I'm a fourth year."
I smiled, then said, "Well... It's right time for me to head off to bed. See you all at breakfast tomorrow and don't stay out too late."
They said their goodbyes to me and I headed back inside the castle. The moving staircase aligned with The Fat Lady's portait, and once I stepped inside the common room I flopped onto the couch. A sigh escaped me, but then I felt the other side of the couch dip down. Tommy looked at me apologetically, but I only smiled at him and closed my eyes again.
"I don't think it's good to sleep on the couch, Rey. It could hurt your neck and ache your back, but you could also get in trouble if the head of house comes in later," he said.
I chuckled slightly, "I'm only resting my eyes, i'll make sure to head up to the dormitory soon." I opened one eye and looked at him, "Are we rooming, do you know?"
"I don't believe so, but that's alright."
I nodded. "Did you just come down here to talk to me or was there something else?"
"Oh.. Uh... Well me and Tubbo were going to talk through our two-way mirrors we had gotten over the summer," Tommy explained in a whisper.
I sat up, "That's pretty cool, but I'll leave you guys to it. Make sure to not stay up too late, alright Tommy?"
He sighed, "Yes mother..."
We laughed and I headed up to my room, the sign said 'Rey (last name), Drista, Orion Wood, West Harmon'. Once I had changed into my night wear, I dug my feet under the covers of my bed and I was out like a light.

Word Count (including this): 1153 words

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