2nd week at school😣😣

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So its the second  week at school and I still haven't talked to my bestie and we still find ourselves annoying as f**k
Well,truth is I miss her a little but I just
have to stay on my own to actually be on my own(😅😅) .
Well all I just did was to talk with my friends boy friend (its not what you think we're just best friends,😉)

11:05 (At school)
It was Break time,so I had to go get something quickly from the Tuck shop🖖.

At the Tuck Shop
So I went in,picked up a soft drink and 2 biscuits 🙄and walked out ,as I was walking her eyes met mine and she couldn't help and neither could I ,so we came closer to each other and hugged.(And also apologized🤗)

(That was insane right cuz ,what was the aim of the whole argument if we'll just hug,well like I said my life is kinda complicated.👻👻)

Pls follow me on Instagram@_bils_jxnr_

Random Stuff At SchoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora