3rd week of school🤕🤕

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So its the last day in the month of November and its on a Monday,whyyy😖😖 Well today wasn't that bad at school or filled with drama so I'll just summarize the sh*t that happened in school today ,well there's this guy in my class that likes calling me Babe,He said it was just a joke so I just played along (its not what you think🙄😏)
So he just kept on calling me his baby so today I came back to the class after break was over and he came from behind me and pecked me.
I was more than startled when he did this so I just stood there holding my cheeks ,OMG??!?!!?!!?!😶
We didn't talk to each other after that we just kept our distance till school was over ,I didn't even see when he left and he never said good bye before leaving(I wonder how I'll face him tomorrow😫)

During Break Time
So before that drama took place ,something else also happened there's this cute senior in my school,we had a thing going on before(it's not what you think we were just friends🙄😏🙄😏)buh his friend called me and said the boy wanted to talk to me so I saw him and he asked me to come and I did and we were just talking and he asked if I was shy and I said no and other stuff he was literarily flirting with me I almost fainted😅

(Thats all the detail I can give for now until I gather up courage to talk to him again😉😉)

After school
So i walked down home with my bro and some of his friends and there was this guy who was just all over me huh I paid little attention to him so he'll feel ignored and leave ,he is practically a stalker. Still in a pool of my own thoughts next thing I heard the strange new guy in my school I talked about scored with another girl again just cuz he could sing next we'll here he can fly uhhhh.

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