Michelle has a new boyfriend

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So now that, that drama is over,sit back and enjoy cuz something  else is about to happen.
So there's this girl in my class were pretty close and she knew practically everything about this strange guy stuff so,went places together like I said we were pretty tight,next thing my other classmate said something relating to this new boy scandal  and she said that Michelle had a  crush on him,I was like😳😯 because she was the least person I expected to be that naive!!

Next day
It was another day of school and girls in class kept clustering him like he had some kind of chic magnet .
Then when it was break time Michelle came to me so we could talk about random stuff and I used that opportunity to tell her to be very careful and before I could finish she said he had already,just asked her to be his girlfriend😂🙁🤕🤣
And at that juncture there was nothing I could say except;

Me: do you really like him
Me:Yes or No?!
Me:...And you really want to be his girlfriend.
Me:Yes or No
Me:You're really sure you like him,then go ahead!!😳😳

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