Strange boy drama💔💔

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So,you guys remember when,I said in the preface that some guy who lives a block away from me attends my school well now is the time I'll tell you guys why there's a heart break sign on the chapter......... It all started when...........................................

2 months ago
I was out with my bro riding bicycles when this strange boy came out of his house with his bicycle to come ride with us we all rode together when I got tired and decided to rest a little and coincidentally he wanted to rest at the same time and at the same place I wanted to rest (Was it  really a coincidence,that I don't know😳😳)
So, he stood close to me and he noticed dust on my shirt ant told me to wipe it of and I wasn't  wiping the right place so he helped me wipe it of(WHATTTTT!??😶) I said thank you and he still didn't leave so we started talking about teen stuff(nothing much) and it was late already so I had to head home.

Next  day
He came to my house I let him in and we talked for a few while and to be honest he was really cool 🙁 so my bro left to go see his friends and it was just I and him alone (it was a very awkward situation🤕🤕) then before you know it the Ultimate question was asked; Would you be my girlfriend?
I almost fainted. So I definitely had to think about it ,and I started keeping my distance and also avoiding him,it was so quick there was nothing I could do 😶

I saw him at my school he had entered my school and came to start his first day at My school ,I literarily wished the ground would just open and take me with it .It was awful cuz I knew I was in for a bumpy ride

(There was no way I would manage avoiding him at home and now avoiding him at school it was too much to handle😣😣)

Pls follow me on Instagram@_bils_jxnr_

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