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For a week things were same. Sehun's searching for a good job. They can barely see each other. After a week of struggle, hard work and sometimes rejection finally sehun got a job. 

"it's the time to celebrate", aayeol screamed when sehun told her about getting a job.

"all because of chanyeol hyung. He helped me when I need someone to lean on. Not like someone who suddenly went somewhere without any notice. I never knew I had that kind of best friend", sehun said glaring at aayeol.

"are you done? I had some work"

"you don't have any work-", sehun paused and his eyes were wide open. He grabbed aayeol's shoulder and asked "You have a job?"

"huh! That's why I was out for 4-5 days. They wanted me to know how difficult it's gonna be and some work experience before starting officially", aayeol looked at side not directly into sehun's eyes

"and why didn't you told me before and where you lived? how's the environment? Were they nice to you?" sehun asked all the questions wandering in his mind.

"hunnie relaxed! It's in your area" aayeol chuckled. "Your work place and my work place are at opposite direction" she completed.

"Gosh! Not again. I want our work place somewhere different to each other. What if my colleagues ask about a kid wandering on the opposite side and they found out its my best friend. How embarrassing!" sehun teased aayeol.

"going there together with you is embarrassing too" aayeol teased back.

"I'm going to leave soon" sehun replied back.

"hey I was just kidding I don't mean it" aayeol said with guilt on her poker face.

"someday I have to go and it's now. I lived for years. Chanyeol hyung helped me for my education financially. You helped me mentally and hurt me physically. Aay you strangled me around 50 times recently! Are you listening?" sehun looked at aayeol who was looking down and a tear dropped.

"aay, a-aay, don't cry. It's just because I can't live at someone else's house forever"

Aayeol strangled him again. "you are not going anywhere", all she managed to say having a train of thoughts about their friendship. "I was never there when he needed me the most. I was never there to support him. I wasn't able to stand for my best friend",aayeol thought to herself.

"What are you doing, park aayeol?", chanyeol asked who was just back from work and saw aayeol strangling sehun. Aayeol let go of sehun and hugged her brother. "what's wrong?" chanyeol patted aayeol's head. "ask this bratty hunnie" aayeol replied. Chanyeol looked at sehun who was looking embarrassed, kind of sorry.

"I want to start living on my on. I can't be here forever. I already looked for a room for rent and it's not far from here" sehun said scratching his head with a embarrassing smile.

"that's good! What's there to cry, aayeol", chanyeol looked at aayeol who was still hugging her brother and didn't let go.

"I - don't - want - him - to - leave", all she managed to say taking long and short pauses between her words.

"And when are you shifting?", an unsual but necessary question came up from Mr. Park chanyeol. Aayeol lifted her head and let go of her brother.

"maybe tomorrow or after tomorrow" sehun said who definitely sounded hurt.

"ok, I'm going to bed. You two go to bed now. It's late" chanyeol said going upstairs.

"oppa, don't let hunnie go" aayeol asked.

"Aayeol go to bed", all that chanyeol without looking at them.

"This hurts! Why he have to leave now? Kids grow up and leave to live on their own. Who will check on him? What if he run out of grocery and no one was there? What if get sick? What if the owner hurts sehun? What if- I know this isn't my place to think and ask him to stay but as far I know him. He is just a kid who can't live alone. Should I ask him not to leave? Should I?", chanyeol thought to himself.

Chanyeol was in a dilemma when he heard someone knocking on his door. "hyung it's me, sehun". Chanyeol knew if he opened the door he will scold sehun and even might beg him not to leave but he can't either ignore sehun. He opened the door and saw sehun standing there with a box. Kinda big box.

"what's up sehun?" chanyeol asked
"here's a gift for you" sehun said with a smile passing that big box towards chanyeol.
"you don't have to-" chanyeol peeked inside and it's a envelope of money that he have to repay to chanyeol , a letter, video games that sehun designed (sehun is a video game designer) and a wrist watch. Chanyeol couldn't hold his tears back and he cried.
"hyung are you alright?" sehun asked worriedly.
"why are you leaving? Don't, please" chanyeol said crying.

Sehun hugged chanyeol and said "I know you are worried about me. But I can't always live under you. I should know how it's like to live in this world alone. I should know how's its like to suffer. I should know the real world. Not in the world you made for me. A world where I can see people, some might be rude, some might be kind, some helpful and some wild"

Chanyeol was still crying like a kid who's candy was dropped on the floor.
"you made my life easier. I had someone to lean on whenever I had difficulties, whenever I need a shoulder to cry. I have to leave now" sehun said sighing.

"NOW?" chanyeol's eyes were wide like they are popping out.

"Yes hyung! Otherwise aay won't let me go"

"She will fight with me that I didn't told her about your leaving"

"I will be back in the morning for breakfast. I don't have groceries there yet" sehun said taking his tongue out.

"bye hyung" sehun said.

Chanyeol waved back his hand. "is the last time I'm seeing him? He will be back right. He have to" chanyeol thought to himself. He could saw sehun in his sight and he didn't wanted him to disappear. He wanted him not to go beyond this. He couldn't controlled his train of emotions and ran behind sehun to stop him and confessed his love he was hiding for years.

"comfessed his love, haha. They are so cute", a kid said to aayeol.

"I know that sometimes I'm amazed too"

What kid? Who's kid? Hehe, next chapter will be last chapter. And the whole time aayeol was telling/narrating the story to a kid. It means aayeol is the narrator. Hey there, it's me aayeol, your author ^~^

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