24) Happy Ending!

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Aayeol and that kid walked down the stairs and saw chanhun being lovey dovey.
"I can't live in this house anymore" aayeol whispered to herself and coughed loudly to made chanhun aware of their presence.

"oh aay, you and heol are awake", said sehun flustered.

"cause we sleep in night" aayeol teased sehun.

"hey! Aayeol!", chanyeol yelled.

"What did I said? Ain't it true though?" aayeol teased her brother too.

"What does that mean, aunt?" heol asked. Heol is chanhun's son and of course aayeol's only lovable nephew.

( I chose the name heol for chanhun's child as if you pronounce it, it sounds like 'whole' which means their 'whole world'. But when I looked on internet, '헐(heol)' means 'Oh my god!' in English and it's mostly used by young people in Korean language. So here it doesn't mean oh my god, its simply out of love for their little kid by taking sehun's 'h' and chanyeol's 'eol' )

"Nothing! You are too young for this"

"Come here and have breakfast before going to park" chanyeol said.

"yay! Going to park! Miss Aayeol park and Mr. Heol Park", heol screamed.

"I guess who's habit he get of screaming", sehun said pointing at aayeol.

"I'm glad he didn't got anything from you, Mr. Lazy sehun"

"I don't know why in the whole world it has to be you as my brother in law?" aayeol pouted.

"both of you started again" chanyeol chuckled and heol giggles.

"Darling sit with us and have your meal" sehun said passing a chair to chanyeol.

"Why are you calling oppa 'darling'? Ugh!"

"You said that you ship us when we told you we are dating"

"But it's so cheesy"

"Aay, found someone for yo-"

Before sehun can complete his sentence, aayeol put the cherry into his mouth. It's just a normal day on Park's House. They are enjoying their life now. They are happy with each other. Papa Park Chanyeol, Appa Oh Sehun, Aunt Park Aayeol and the youngest loviest Park Oh Heol.

"Bro Aayeol let's go", heol shouted having mouth full of bread.

"Bro?" chanyeol questioned

"Aunt said I can call her bro. She is cool I have to say this"

"Coolest in this house. Haha!" aayeol looked proudly at her brother and best friend hunnie.

"OK go and take vivi and toben for a walk too", sehun said.

"Don't forget baby jjaru and monsieur too", chanyeol winked at aayeol.

"Heol kid! You know how to run faster?" aayeol whispered to heol


"then run!" aayeol screamed holing heol's hand. They ran to the park.

"She is childish" sehun laughed.

Aayeol and heol's ran to park and heol asked aayeol "Aunt, why did y'all adopt me?"

This gave a mini attack to aayeol and she panicked and said "huh! You are up above from the sky"

"Do I look like a kid to you?"


"I know gays can't have kids"

Aayeol chuckled at heol's smartness.

"I'm thankful for loving me this much. I can't express my happiness that I'm with y'all" heol's tears rolled down his cheeks. Aayeol hugged him, patted his head and kissed his forehead. "Your family loves you so much. Yes! oppa and hunnie didn't gave birth to you themselves but they chose you. I still remember how happy they were when they brought you home and you were smiling, your dimple is same as chanyeol oppa and your personality is like hunnie and you are like me. How come are you not a part of this family? You are the most important person of this family. We are blessed to have you, kiddie"

"It's easy to make you emotional aunt", heol said laughing.

"Are you here to make fun of me?", aayeol asked raising her eyebrows.

"No, heol loves his aunt. Aunt thanks for narrating the whole story of appa hun and papa yeol" ,heol said running towards the swings.

"Wait!", a voice stopped heol. It's papa yeol and appa hun coming towards heol to play with them.  A family which is not perfect but happy. They share laugh, smile and their pain. They are there for each other.

Author's note
A short note to the one reading this. My dear, you are well loved if you look around you. If you spend time with your family, friends and loved ones. For sure, life is tough but you can go through this when you have your loved ones around you. Life has a lot to give, pay attention and receive it. You are worthy to be here. You are important to someone. You are a flower. Delicate, soft, beautiful and generous so find people who will cherish your beauty, you as who you are.

Me as your author who portrait as park aayeol. Haha! I gave myself this nickname. Hope to see y'all soon with another ff. Take care and Thanks for reading ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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