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Ring ring my alarm kept repeatedly ringing the same fudging sound over and over.

"Wait is today Monday"I said to myself.

I quickly ran to the calendar and it is surely Monday.

"Shit" I shouted aloud,waking Allison up.

"What the heck are you shouting can't you see I'm still sleeping" Allison yelled

"no get up we have fucking school
today were so died"

She jumped up knowing that Mr.Gomez was gonna kill us. She ran to the bathroom with her duffle bag and I was changing in my room.

After about 10 mins we both were ready, I grabbed my back pack shoving in the essay that was at the table and fled down the stairs with Allison in a hurry.

"Why the heck did any of your housekeeper call us up" Allison asked angrily as we were getting in my car.

"Shit, because today the house keeper were buying food for tonight"

"O" she answered.

I drove to her house and told her to get whatever shit she needed to get. It took her about 5 mins to get her back pack out.

"Hurry the heck up we're running late" I said.

"We are already late" she assured.

"Shut up" I said slapping her shoulder playfully.

I drove over the limit and finally we got to school. I parked my car at the student section and ran to the main office to get a tardy pass.

I briskly made a trip to the lockers and threw my social study book inside.

"Hurry up" said Allison "alright" I said.

Before I even knew what she was doing Allison grabbed my hand and ran to class.

"Good morning" Allison and I said at the same time awkwardly.

"Late on the first day huh" said Mr.gomez

"Yea"I answered back confidently

"One more tardy and both of you have detentions" ......... "with me"he

We ignored him and scanned the room for a empty spot and believe it or not I found two spot close by lia. I sat behind her with Allison sitting by her.

"Where's Carmen" I whispered into Lia's ear

"Third row behind Shawn"

"thanks I said" and sat back down.

I turned to look for Carmen and saw her waving at me and of course I waved back.

~1 hour later~
After the class ended I hugged all of them and told them were we should meet by at lunch.
I headed my way to biology class and I accidentally bumped into This boy that has a hazel greenish eyes,brown hair that is swoosh to the side, and 3 guys next to him.
No he bumped into me actually I corrected myself.

"what the heck do you think about bumping into austin and not even saying a sorry" a guy with brownish blondish hair said with a smirk.

"well I don't give a fuck who you guys are so ya" I replied with the sassiest tone ever.

"and who do you think you are" he said.

"who do you think you are" I said back to him.

"I'm Alex bitch" the popular guy.

"yea right" I said as I went passing through them.

I wasn't new to this school but I was here in this school since last year, all I know for one thing that the four piece Of shit that bumped into me was new to this school.
Lia and Allison were the only two here before me and Carmen came so I think they know more I thought to myself. After biology I class went into the bathroom and fixed my hair, with took me about 5mins to do.

Now I have U.S history for fourth period and I went by to my locker to get my books.
When I got to class "I gave Mrs.Champbell a hug and sat next to Ashton (Carmen's brother).

Mrs.Champbell was the bomb I actually enjoyed her class the best. I just sat there in a very deep thought until Ashton shook me to my senses.

"were going to lunch, lets go" "alright".

I made my way to the crowd and lost Ashton "great" I muttered to myself. I struggled all the way to the vending machines where I told the girls to wait. And sure enough they were there.
We grabbed some lunch and quickly finished.
Carmen started talking about Brent and all us started fangirling. After a long ass day of school it was finally over.

My bully became my lover(on hold)Where stories live. Discover now