I'm not cute

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Ophelia Grey woke up with a bad headache. Again. It was now the fourth time in a row that this happened.

She suspected her migraines. She has migraines since she was seven years old. It was supposed to go away slowly but it only got worse within the years.

She brushed her teeth and her hair before heading downstairs where her dad and brother were waiting for her.

"Good morning honey, how are you feeling?", her dad asked while cooking breakfast.

Her dad was always kind to her. His name was George. He was always cooking or working tho... He never really had time for Ophelia, that's the only bad thing about him. Of course Ophelia knew that he had to work to pay everything they had but still...

Ophelia felt selfish to say that. As if it was selfish to wish that someone was more often there for you. Almost all the time, the only time a day she saw her dad was in the morning for like 20 minutes... Ophelia only wished that she could be with her dad a little longer, that's it.

She ate breakfast and headed to school. School is only like seven minutes away from her house so she walks there.

William Crues woke up at ten o'clock like always, missing the first class. In his head, I'm pretty sure it's funny. But in reality, it wasn't. Yet he was still laughing and joking.

He forgot to take his pills this morning... that's really bad tho. He needed to take his pills twice a day because if not... well, he will-

"Hey, Crues! Come here bro!" his best friend Tommy said cutting him out of his thoughts.

He began to head there when he saw Ophelia Grey walking to her locker. He always had a certain interest in her... he found her somewhat, interesting.

"What do we have here? 'Lia Grey! Where are you going..? Hey! Come back..." Tommy started to talk to Ophelia while she was simply ignoring him and walking to her next class.

Yeah, Tommy always had a crush on her. He had a huge mental breakdown when she rejected him in middle school. I mean, he was kinda annoying... really annoying... you can't find worse... and he was mean. Plus they were only kids back then. He bullied the people who didn't like him. But not Ophelia Grey. Never. He liked her too damn much.

William watched her outfit and said "you look really cute, Elia." Making sure to exaggerate on the surname he gave her to annoy her.

"Shut up, Fangs. And I'm not cute!!" She replied annoyed.

"Wait! Come back my love! If you come back... I'll kick him in the guts?!" Tommy said. "But you have to go on a date with me. On Friday. 9 pm." He continued.

"Tom-" William tried to protest.

But Ophelia ignored him and said "fine! But kick him first!"

Ouch. First kick and it already hurts but he doesn't even flinch. It's as if he didn't felt it...

He missed but whatever.


And... four,
wait four?! This hurts like a bitch.

He looked up only to see who kicked him the fourth time and saw...

"Missed me?" She asked.

It was Emma. Ophelia's best friend. She was kinda sweet... but really annoying. She was the type of person who walk in a room and thinks everyone is in love with her.

Yeah, that exact type of Emma.

"Are you really gonna go on a date with that idiot?" Emma asked Ophelia.

"Yeah... I guess I have to..." Ophelia replied. She could never be mean to anyone even if she was forced to. And she felt kinda uncomfortable simply telling Tommy the truth about not liking him that way.

Ophelia was just like that... she couldn't hurt a fly. Or could she?

William, who heard their little chat from afar, wasn't trilled for his best friend even tho he wanted to... he really did... but he was kinda, what's the word again? Oh yeah! Jealous.

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