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The next morning, Hoseok woke up early. He shared a room with Jimin, their room had only 1 closet. Jimins clothes on the left, Hoseoks on the right.

His clothes were mainly black and white. He always had someone shop with him so they could tell him if it matched or looked good together. They paired up his outfit for him on the same hanger.

He picked a sweater, based off its comfortable texture, and black skinny jeans. The sweater was a dark blue color. When Seokjin told the boy it was blue, he reverted back to his younger self.

Blue means sadness, would people think hes sad if he wore it? Seokjin told him he looked nice in it and that he still looked like a sunshine.

When he was dressed he went down to the kitchen to be greeted by Yoongi making breakfast.

"Morning Hyung."

"Morning Hobi, you're taking the maknaes shopping right?" Asked Yoongi as he placed some breakfast on the table.

"Yep. Dont worry, I won't let them spend all their money." Hoseok laughed as he sat down.

"Good. They can be really irresponsible with money at times. " Yoongi sat down with Hoseok.

They agreed it would be best to get a taxi to the shopping center. Since Hoseok couldnt help keep them safe on the road.

The shopping center was a simple 20 minute drive across the bridge. It was Saturday so it would probably be busy.

"Seokjin-hyung doesnt feel well today. So, if you need anything call me alright?"

"Yes hyung." Hoseok drank his coffee and ate some breakfast.

Once the maknaes were awake, they were so excited for the shopping trip. They all got dressed quickly and ate.

When they were completely ready, double checking they had everything, Hoseok got a cab.

Once the can arrived, they all got inside and began their journey to the shopping center.

"Are those grey contacts?" Asked the cab driver as Hoseok was talking to him.

Hoseok knew the driver meant well, not trying to make fun of him but just being curious. He balled some of his sweater in his hand to keep calm. Ever since he was bullied in school for his eyes, Hoseok got nervous anytime they were mentioned.

"No sir, they are my actual eye color, I cant see colors." Hoseok explained. He always thought the explanation over so many times, making it an easy way to answer.

He still clutched the sweater tightly.

"Wow, that's cool. I've never seen that before." The driver complimented.

"T-thanks." Hoseok smiled and kept a small conversation with the driver. The maknaes had their own conversation going about where they wanted to go, and what they wanted to buy.

Namjoon arrived at Y/Ns apartment. He waited for her to come out. Y/N came out soon with ripped jeans, a black shirt and a long white cardigan.

Namjoon felt butterflies, but soon let it go. Hes bisexual, his eyes were set on both Y/N and a handsome man he met at the preschool.

The man worked in the main office as an office aid. He often came into Namjoons classroom to give out papers. He felt like a hopeless romantic.

He tossed the helmet to Y/N and smiled, "hit snooze on the alarm or what?" He teased.

"Honestly, I did, I just thought you did the same." Answered Y/N while adjusting the helmet and hopping on the motorcycle.

"I work af a daycare that requires me to get up at 6am...I cant sleep in." Reasoned Namjoon.

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