• S I X T E E N •

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^ Elijah on the side! That's what his hair looks like always; just something for y'all to picture.

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"Elijah, you've been asked to report to the receptionist in five minutes, pack up." Zeke said, patting his shoulder as the rest of the students continued to paint on their respective pieces.

"Wait I haven't even done anything in this school!" Elijah blurted out.

"I beg your pardon?" Zeke looked confused.

"Uh, yeah I'll be there!"

Elijah slung his bag over his shoulder and walked downstairs to the ground floor where the office was located. He caught a glimpse of a tall woman, her blonde hair tied up in a messy bun and her frame wrapped in a familiar black trench coat.

"Abby? Why are you here?" Elijah questioned, although delighted to see his sister.

"You're such a fuck- freaking as- damn it. Shit. Sorry." She trailed off as the receptionist looked at her with narrow eyes and pursed lips as Abby attempted to stop herself from the continuous swearing.

Elijah burst out laughing and was all but dragged away from the receptionist's table toward his dorm building.

"So, mom and I are travelling over to Gramps' place for Christmas and she thought it would be better if you spent it at your new school, so I'm taking you home for Thanksgiving." Abby said, as she wrapped her arm around Elijah's shoulder.

She was taller than Elijah by two inches, probably as tall as Jake. They had the same dirty blonde hair and laugh lines when they smiled. The tall gene definitely ran dominant in their maternal family.

"How many days do I get to stay?" Elijah asked, excited that he was going back home.

"Probably two, I'll be dropping you off tomorrow evening."

"What the hell? Tomorrow evening? That's too soon. And not two days at all." Elijah grimaced, holding up two fingers.

"Tomorrow's the 26th of November, which is Thanksgiving this year, so yeah. Besides, you have classes and this is your first year!"

"Do you have to collect something from your room?"

"Yeah I'll just grab my charger and phone."

Soon, they were driving back to Michigan, which would usually take around ten hours if you went without breaking speed. But since Abby was driving, they'd probably reach in seven hours. He made himself comfortable in the passenger seat, plugging in the aux and playing a random mix that Ryder had opened on his YouTube page.
They'd cranked up the heater even though the afternoon sun was starting to heat up the surface of the car.
Elijah dozed off in his seat as Abby shut down the music for some peace and quiet.

Elijah had been napping for about an hour or two when he felt Abby shake him.

"Wake up, let's eat something! I'm starving."

"How the fuck do you stop in the middle of somewhere and wish there was a restaurant where we could eat?" Elijah muttered, rubbing his eyes as he looked around at their surroundings. He was sure no one was around for miles.

"Who said anything about eating in a restaurant? I got some food when I was in town yesterday and froze it, unfroze it again on our way back."
Abby said, stepping out of the car and peeking in the back to pull out a brown paper bag that Elijah recognized, it was from Benny's.

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