Chapter 4 (Making Amore a male reader)

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~With Heather~

The young woman was driving in her vehicle. She had been on the road for a solid ten hours, only stopping to pick up snacks and use the bathroom. Before her journey, though, a change of clothes was needed. On her body now was a pair of glasses, jeans cut so short it barely covered her bottom, panties of course, no bra though, a sleeveless yellow shirt that was a little loose around the armpits, a pair of white socks and light grey running shoes. Her frame was petite and she barely reached five feet tall, and her flowing brown-ish black hair reached just a little lower than her shoulders.

Though her body may not have looked it, she was quite the athletic person. Especially when it came to an adrenaline rush. Like right now, she wasn't taking any normal trip to Beach City. She was actually outmaneuvering several police vehicles that had been on her bumper for the last mile. The entire time, she had a mischievous smirk.

Police: Pull the vehicle over!

She responded by rolling her window down and giving them the middle finger. The girl couldn't help but burst into laughter before rolling it back up and shifting up a gear. Since it was a straight road, she grabbed a nearby climbing hook she kept specifically for situations like this and wedged it between the wheel. With the car now in an auto-drive of sorts, she put your typical black mask on before grabbing a nearby pistol. She then rolled the window back down before leaning out.

Heather: Oh, I can't wait for Amore to hear about this!

~Meanwhile with Spinel~

The gem let out a shiver as she customized her body. She was still in her gem. There was a determination in her eyes. Spinel had to make her body absolutely perfect, especially since it was for her master. So, she continued to modify the hovering body in front of her, which looked like her.

Spinel: So, female body parts minus some functions of them, a collar, and...I think that's it? Oh! I can't forget removable clothes, a sensitive body which I will make in a way so that it only works when he touches me, and human skin. Uhmm...okay, how do I do human skin? Well, I can't change my whole form into skin, not that I can even make it skin. So, what am I gonna do? Silicone! That's right, he mentioned that to me! Silicone is technically a material made with some rocks...right? Whatever, it doesn't matter. I'll make the outer layer of my body with that soft silicone I read about in the library and have the rock part of my body as a second layer. There! Oh, but it will have to be just silicone for my mouth, throat, and female orifices. And I'll have to make those modifi-whatevers for those orifices. Gotcha, now all I gotta do it make it.

After changing a great deal of her form, she noticed the changes and felt weirded out by it. But, if it was for Amore, she would do it. It took nearly an hour but she did it. Once it was complete, everything glowed and she reformed in the living room. A bright smile overtook her face as she looked around for Amore, only to discover he wasn't in the room anymore.

Adrenaline kicked in and she started running throughout the house. Her anxiety was making her panic and she even began to rummage through everything. If he was in any danger then she had to protect him. Not because it was a rule, but because she couldn't lose him.

Spinel: Amore?! Where are you?!

A sigh came from a room with a closed door so she ran toward it and wiggled the knob. When it didn't budge, she enlarged her hand and knocked it down. Amore stood in the shower, naked, and gave her a bored look. She expected to calm down after knowing he was safe, but instead, she felt her body begin to heat up and her eyes couldn't look away from him.

Spinel: I...I...uh...golly...

Amore: Not even minutes back and you already broke my door? I'll ask Bismuth to fix it, but you'll be punished later. Also, what did I say about yelling? And about calling me by my name?

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