Chapter 5

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(A/N: I'm changing the way I write for this chapter. I'm trying to decide which writing style works best for me and I honestly think this way is better. Also, there will be other lemon scenes throughout the story, and there will be no warnings for them. Just to let you know. Now enjoy, ya horny bunch of readers!)

You grabbed Spinel's hips with both hands and pulled her close. She yelped in surprise but was soon silenced by a kiss.

"Mmm!" She tried to speak.

Much to her dismay, you pulled away and gave her a stern look.

"No raising your voice." You said sternly.

"Y-Yes, master. C-Can you kiss me again, p-please?" Spinel said.

"I have a better idea of what you can kiss."

You smirked before pointing to the ground. Your voice suddenly changed to a more dominant one. She found it strange how it just compelled her to obey, not that she would have rebelled anyway.

"You know what to do. I had you research human mating for a reason, slave. And faze out your outfit." You say, glaring down at her.

Spinel gulped out of worry but did so anyway, her entire outfit disappearing in a flash. She had to please you. She just had to. If not, then she would be disappointing you, and that was the last thing she wanted. So with every ounce of courage she had, Spinel gently grabbed your pants and boxers before pulling them down, unveiling your surprisingly massive cock.

Spinel stares at it in awe for a few seconds. It was definitely bigger than any of the ones she saw in the videos and books. At least triple the size of a "male porn star," as she read. She would have stared longer had you not snapped your fingers again to get her attention.

Once her attention was back on your cock, she realized she needed to use both her hands to even fully grasp your length. Without her stretching ability, that is. And that's exactly what she uses.

The girl uses her stretchiness to coil her arms around your member several times, nearly wrapping the entire thing. Needless to say, you're actually impressed. You had not expected that.

Spinel clearly wants to please you, because even though her mouth goes right for the head of your cock, she also starts to hum a tune while gently squeezing your dick. The vibrations not only feel good but they give a visual pleasure as well for you.

As if that weren't enough, Spinel proceeds to put one above and beyond the call of duty action. Using the same stretchiness she has, she starts to play with your balls, rolling them around in her hands and gently squeezing them.

"Shit..." You groan.

As much as you want to just let Spinel do her thing, you have plans for her today and a little more fun with her ass isn't out of the question. You push her head away slightly with a hand so that you can speak.

"Alright, that's enough of that." You say.

Spinel is reluctant to stop, but does as she's told. She rubs her hands together in a nervous motion before looking up at you.

"I...saw a few s-scientific books a few hours ago." Spinel says. "They had some information on humans matings...would you like me to recite that?"

You smirk a bit.

"If you want, but I'm sure we can find a more practical use for that mouth of yours. How about..."

Before you can even finish that sentence, Spinel has already leaned in and started sucking on your cock. Her head moves back and forth at a rapid rate, but she's careful enough not to hurt you. Meanwhile, her hands go back to playing with your balls, but also starts to move to the shaft of your cock, rubbing and squeezing as needed.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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