Special V: The Fan page

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"L have you seen this?"


"Up here, on my laptop."

"Oh is it a Genit page?"

"Yep. But it's so strange, I mean, it's a fan page for me. Why would anyone make something like that. And it has thousands of followers."

"Well, you are a model and the tallest Gen in the world. It should be normal at this stage to have tons of people liking you."

"You've got a point here, but still I don't want this. Look there are only posts about me."

"It's your fan page after all."

"True, but look. There are so many strange posts here and many of them are calling me a goddess." said D with a sad face. "They even put photos with my butt from the GenCola photo shot. The photo team didn't even do this kind of photos. How did they got em?"

"Well it's easy to see you from big distances, you are 68km(22300feet) tall after all."

"It's not ok to take photos of someone's body parts without it's consent."

"Could you send me a link?"

"...You're such an asshole... You see it every day anyway, why would you want the link?"

"No no no, I just wanna see what people like to post about you."

"Ow, well we can look together on my laptop."

"Sure, that's better. But it might be a little embarrassing for you."

"That's true." said D blushing while looking at another post with about her boobs.

D scrolled looking through the posts:

1st post: Guys I just got an extremely rare photo from under her foot, look at all these tree trunks and shattered mountains, nothing stands."

"Imagine being stepped by her Omg."

"A friend of mine got stepped by her, I am so gelous L."

2nd post: The 1st city built inside her foot print it's done, everyone move fast or you won't be able to find an apartment in here.

"Do they realize that I usually walk on my old foot prints, who was idiot enough to start a project like this one?"

"Idk D, people are strange."

3nd post: Look guys these are all the photos from our goddess's last photo shot.

"Omg I would kill to be in that city between her breasts."

"Me too, I wouldn't mind to be crushed by one of her tits."

"Whoaaa, that's a mountain range of boobs."

"D I think we should stop reading the comments."

"I totally agree with you."

After scrolling down for half an hour they encountered a post with a link to another Gendit page. This one was an anti-Gen page with lots of posts about Gens killing and hurting people intentionally or not and of course some of these posts, about 40% of them, were about D.

Many of these posts were about all the damage she did while walking. There were photos of huge craters that were her footprints. 8km( 26200feet) x 2.8km(9200feet) foot prints with little craters for her digits to be more exact. Some people even climbed down the 500m deep craters to get photos off the damage. In some of her foot prints they could recognize ruins of cities and thousands of dead bodies, even if it was rare for D to step on a city, it still happened. In other foot prints were mostly remains of forests, mountains and dead animal bodies. All of these photos were a morbid sight.

There were only 3 posts that were not about her walking. One of them was about the ship she sunk with her nipple while bathing. The second one was a post with photos of all the destruction she did inside a city with a fallen pube hair of hers. In the photos they could see lots of buildings crushed under it. There was even a video with hurt and dead people after this incident. The 3rd post was a reportage about the entire disaster that happened after D peed in a whole that got overfilled too fast. In the reportage they saw a lot of flora and fauna destroyed, entire forests destroyed by the flow of urine and even a city. Thousands of people got drown in her pee or got crushed to the buildings by it. And after it...

"D I think we should stop looking at any of these. I don't want you to get a depression."

"Thank you for thinking about my mental state. But I am a "walking disaster". What can I do? Mom was right..."

"You know what you can do right?"


"Learn from it. You can't go back in time. But you can still learn from your mistakes, and in the future you won't step on anyone or drawn people in pee." Said L trying to encourage her.

"Ok, love. I bet you hate me now after hearing all of this."

"Why would I hate you? You would never do any of these with intention."

"Thank you my dear. That's why I love you."

"Love you too D." smiled L. 

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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