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TWOJuliet had anticipated how her school year would go

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Juliet had anticipated how her school year would go. Either her peers would be too scared to look in her direction or judge her as if she was responsible for her fathers crimes as if her three year old self could of politely asked Sirius Black not to betray his best friend or kill Peter Pettigrew.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my disgraced cousin." A nasty voice said, instantly Juliet knew it was Draco Malfoy with his friends Crabbe and Goyle stood behind him like body guards.

"Yes, ditto." Juliet sighed. "What do you want?"

"Not much... just a question." Draco had a slimy smile on his face. "Where is it you're hiding Sirius Black?"

Ever since first term started there was a nasty rumour being spread around Hogwarts that Juliet was hiding her father somewhere in the Castle... Juliet liked to wonder where she could of found the time to do this in between studying for the owls and homework.

"Funny." Juliet scoffed. "It gets even funnier after the hundredth time being asked that actually." She picked her bag up off the floor and started to walk away.

"You'll find that I'm being quite serious actually." Draco sneered. Juliet wondered who he resembled more when he made that expression — his father or the actual devil. "Where is he?" Draco pressed.

Juliet stopped and turned around. "All right, I'll be honest with you Malfoy..." him and his friends interest peeked. "I'm not hiding him, but I am meeting him this weekend... I've made reservations at the three broomsticks so we can drink some butterbeer and catch up on all the fun things he's been up to while in Azkaban." Juliet said sarcastically.

"What a wicked mind you have, Black. You're the spit of your father." Draco sneered, glaring at his cousin. "Insane even...  though there's no doubt where you get from." He said, making a dig towards Arya Mace, Juliet's mother — the woman being known for two things; lack of sanity and being Sirius Black's wife.

"Watch your mouth, Draco." Juliet sneered, her hand was tightly wrapped around her wand.

"What a legacy you have to uphold. Cousin? Who's footsteps shall you follow in.. your  murderous fathers? Or psychotic mothers?" He sneered.

Juliet had heard enough, she felt hot with anger and she could hear her heart pound in her ears. She pulled her wand from out her jean pocket and pointed it at Draco. "Stupify!"

"Protego!" A protection spell was casted at Juliet's charm, protecting the Slytherin. Juliet turned around to look at Draco's protecter; there he was, curly haired and yellow in armour. Cedric Diggory doing his prefect rounds had arrived the very moment Juliet casted a charm at Draco.

"Malfoy, I suggest you walk back to class before Black here decides to charm the both of us." Cedric said, his tone firm. Draco had no say in the matter, other than smirking wickedly at Juliet knowing she would be the only one getting into trouble. "He's a third year, Black."

"He's a dick, Diggory." Juliet rolled her eyes, beginning to walk away. Cedric stepped in front of her, stopping her in her stride.

"Everyone knows that Malfoy is a dick." Cedric said, being a foot and two inches taller than her he towered over Juliet. "But that doesn't mean you can start throwing charms and hexes around because somebody pissed you off."

Juliet circled around him, Cedric followed after her. "Well, he didn't just piss me off." She turned to glare at him, hoping he'd turn a right soon and stop following her. "Fine, I'm in the wrong. I shouldn't have done that. Just give me detention and stop following me. Ok? " She smiled non sincerely.

Once again Cedric stopped Juliet in her stride. "Black, I'm not giving you a detention." He smiled slightly looking at Juliet's face contort to confusion. "You're going through a shit time, anyone can see that. I'm not trying to make it worse for you." Juliet rolled her eyes, Cedric rolled his too. He hoped she didn't think he was trying to be some type of white knight.

"Piss off, Diggory." Juliet sighed in annoyance. The last thing she wanted was Cedric Diggory's pity.

"Pleasure as always, Black." Cedric waved, shaking his head as they departed ways.

Juliet made her way to the Gryffindor common rooms, with the intention of skiving her divinations lesson. On route to her dorm a Fred and George Weasley dragged her by hand into the boys dormitory.

"What the fuck, Weasley?" Juliet gasped, slapping Fred's hand away. Juliet looked around the room, a faint smell of boy and smoke alarming her. "Oh Morgana, what have you done?" She pinched the bridge of her nose and exhaled loudly.

Lee Jordan was sat on a bed, being peculiarly quiet. Too quiet for the likes of Lee.

"Im going to reiterate." Juliet said through clenched teeth. "What the fuck, Weasley... Jordan." She sided eyed the quiet Gryffindor.

"Jules... we really messed up — badly." Fred gulped, his nails scratching the surface of his skin , a nervous tic.

"What happened?"  She replied, very concerned.

"I told you, Fred! We should have waited for Juliet." George exclaimed. "Stupid."

"You've been busy all week, Jules... you know what with your higher owls and homework.. personal shit — so we didn't want to annoy you." Fred sighed in disappointment, disappointed in himself.

"Hey," she said softly. "You guys could never, ever annoy me. I'm here for whatever you need. Just, tell me what you did and I can try to help." Juliet said comfortingly, a false sense of security  before ripping their heads off when they confess to what they've done.

"So, erm over the summer, us three decided to make a business... call it Wizard Wheezes if it turns into a success." George explained.

"Doubtful after all this." Fred said, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up, Fred." George hissed. "We nicked some ingredients and started fiddling about with them, thought we could make this potion that makes your tongue grow 5x its size." He sighed. "Turn that potion into a sweet or something and make it prank candy."

"But it went really... really — very wrong." Fred bit his lip, another nervous tic. "Lee offered to sample it and I don't know if you guessed by now but erm, the sample of the potion caused Lee to... lose his tongue, I guess you can say." 

"Are you? No way. What the fuck? You're serious. Wow." Juliet fathomed, feeling quite speechless. "Lee—has—no—tongue?" All three of them nodded. "Well, that's not great." Juliet shook her head.

"No." Fred and George said in unison. Lee with no method of communication other than gestures shook his head.

"I don't know what you expect me to do?" Juliet said, wondering what the twins possibly thought she might be able to help with. "I- I can't help with this? I can try to help but god knows what the effects of the potion you guys made could do to Lee?" She smiled at Lee comfortingly as he looked slightly afraid. "Do you not remember that presentation that the Ministry of Magic put together about health and safety regulations?"

Fred and George sunk to the floor, looking extremely stressed. "I'll go find Professor McGonogall." Juliet nominated herself. If anything, at least she would get the brunt of the wrath of McGonogall's fury and if worse comes to worse — Juliet can use the excuse of her crippling daddy issues for 'acting out'.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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