Chapter Four - The Cat

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"Never trust your fears, they don't know your strength" -Athena Singh


Shoto would consider himself a brave person. 

And, usually, he was.

But when faced with his father it was as if that braveness deserted him. As if that man was taking up part of his soul and the remaining bits were hidden in a corner, desperately trying to stay together. All because of his father.

His father.

Everyone always said that the number two hero was amazing. That he could fight off any villain that came at him. But they didn't know the real Endeavour.

The real Endeavour was a cold, heartless man.

He didn't see Shoto as his son. He saw him as a creation.

One that would do the job he had never been able to.

He would train Shoto for hours and hours every single day. Ever since he was five years old. To the point where Shoto would throw up.

Shoto's mother tried to stop him, saying that Shoto was only five, that he should let him rest. Tried.

Endeavour would always hurt her. Physically or mentally. Eventually, it became too much and Rei lost her sanity. Shoto knew this as she poured boiling water down his face.

He also knew it wasn't her fault.

It was all Endeavour's. The Number Two Hero's. His father's.

And Shoto despised him more then anything.

The rest of the family were neglected by Endeavour. The children instead being tended to by themselves or a select few employees.

Shoto was never allowed to talk to them either.

His father always, always, dragged him away. Saying ''No Shoto! You are of different worlds! It is training time!''

Recently Endeavour was trying a new tactic.

However this particular time, Shoto had had enough.

He had to leave the house that he grew up in. Even for a few minutes. He had to go. He had to escape. He had to breath.

So, in the middle of the night, he did just that.

Shoto silently closed the door behind him and took a deep breath. Finally, he was out.

It wasn't like Shoto was never allowed outside, he was. Just... never like this. He didn't know what it was but it was nice. He needed it.

He strolled through the gardens, smiling slightly at the way the moonlight danced on the still waters of the pond. It was beautiful.

Shoto followed the river that led from the pond as it twisted and turned through the grounds. Why had he never come here before? It was-


Shoto froze. That voice. No. It couldn't be.

Shoto turned round to be met by a mess of green hair, squatting down by the water.

It was. The boy at the railings.

''What are you doing here?'' Shoto asked, perplexed.

''Oh, well I was running away from a particularly angry cat and somehow ended up by this lake." Deku explained, scratching the back of his head and standing up.

"A cat?"

"Yes! They're scary okay! Especially with their claws!"

Shoto blinked before turning back towards the lake and looking across it.

"Do you come here often?"

"Nope." Deku answered, popping the 'p', a look of wistfulness on his face. "Wish I'd come earlier though, it's beautiful here."

"Well, you've got your whole life to." Shoto replied, watching the water pass by his feet.

"Yeah... my whole life..."

Shoto looked at Deku thoughtfully, "you know a lot about UA. Did you apply there?"

Deku looked surprised and a fleeting glance of something else that Shoto couldn't quite make out passed by his features, but as soon as it had appeared, it was gone. "No... no. I wanted to but... something happened. Someone I know got in however."

Shoto nodded but didn't pry, something he could tell Deku was thankful for. People had secrets and they were allowed to keep them, much like how he had his own.

They drifted into peaceful silence before-

"Do you ever wonder what would have happened to you if just one thing in your life changed?"

Shoto looked up, surprised at the sudden question.

"No. I never have."

"I have," Deku replied, giving a breathy laugh. "I try it out with different things. Though I mainly think about what would have happened if I hadn't met Kacchan."


"My old friend. Well I guess you could say friend. I don't think he liked me much."

"I've never had a friend before..." Shoto finally said, gaining a confused look from Deku.

"What do you mean? Aren't we friends?"


Shoto had never really thought about making friends with anyone. It had never crossed his mind that he should talk to this person or say that to that person.

He had his father to thank for that.

"Yeah..." Shoto smiled at the greenette, "we're friends"

Deku smiled happily before a hissing sound was heard at Shoto's feet causing Deku's face to drop in fear.

Shoto looked down and was surprised to see a cat.

"Ah! Stay back! Stay back!" Deku hissed jumping through a rock as if it could protect him from whatever menace this cat had planned.

Shoto gave a small laugh before pointing to the now quiet cat and waving it towards Deku. "Here, look, it's fine!"

Deku hesitantly stepped back through the rock and slowly, oh so slowly, reached out for the cat.

His hand went right through.

The cat gave a sharp hiss before jumping up into the air, landing on all four feet and streaking off into the night.

Deku stared at his hand before letting out a short laugh. "Of course it wouldn't work. Of course it wouldn't."

Shoto stared at the boy confused, "why don't you just... stop using your quirk?"

Deku looked up at him, his green eyes tinted with sadness. "I can't. And I'll never be able to."

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