New Student.

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Elisia's P.O.V

Just another average day at school...nothing exciting happens. Except today, today we are getting a new student I don't know their name, some people said it was a guy others said it was a girl I don't know and I don't care.

During first period there was a knock at the door the teacher Mr. Adams stopped the lesson he seen the principal Mr. Mcclan, who is a bastard at times, then Mr. Adams walks in and tells the class he has an announcement. "Class we have a new student and I want y'all to make him feel welcomed alright?" Everyone agreed, "Everyone meet Dante Rodreguiz."

That familiar...when Mr. Adams ushered the student in my jaw dropped. This guy was real cute he had a little goatee on his chin his hair was curly and short he woren a light pink open shirt with a white t-shirt underneath it and dark blue jeans with black boots on he had piercings one in each ear and one on his left eyebrow. His chin was chisled he was muscular...I could tell from the way his shirt hugged his body.

I couldn't stop starring till my friend Bridgette elbowed me in my side telling me to wipe my face I didn't realize how long I stared till I wiped my mouth finding a little bit of drool hanging off. I blushed when he walked past he smiled at me and I looked down feeling my cheeks burn from heat building up. Bridgette giggled at this and put a hand on my shoulder.

"You so like him I noticed by the way you stared at him." She giggled again when the bell ranged I gathered my stuff up and started to walk out when I bumped into him. I blushed and said sorry as I stepped out of the way. I sworn I about fainted when he spoke his voice was deep and soothing like I could listen to it forever. "It's alright it was my fault heh ladies first." He gestured to let me go first I blushed and whispered a thank you to him.

"Bridge he is perfect but then again people like that are or can be jerks but...I don't know." I was love strucked no denying nothing I was in love. We were at lunch talking about our day and how it went it seemed like the new guy had the same classes as me.

"Oh speaking of the new guy his coming this way Ellie, better fix your hair." She giggled as my heart fluttered at the news she told me I looked behind me and she was right he was heading this way but he probably was going to a different table but nope he kept coming forward.

'Oh god his coming! What am I gonna do?' "Hey Elisia right? Do you mind if I sit with y'all?" I was staring again till Bridge spoke up for me. "Sure we don't mind do we Elisia?" "Uh uh yea we done mind..." I whispered the last part as I looked down blushing hard I mentally slapped myself for staring at him.

"So Dante where were you before you came to this school?" Bridgette asked him I was curious myself so I listened for his answer. "Well before coming here I was in Italy I been in the US before but when I was 10 I had to move there, but I'm back again and starting school here." Odd when I was 9 a friend of mind moved to a place out of the US but I can't remember his name...could he be...nah he couldn't.

"Oh? You know any Italian? Or are you Italian? " Bridgette asked him now I was getting anxious. "Well I am Italian." I bout fell over when he said that.

"Dante when you were 10 did you uh..." I was scared to tell him but I wasn't gonna chicken out. "Did you have a friend that was I don't know shy...I know I know it seemed stalkerish but I had to know. He gave me a confused look then said he did at that moment I was speechless. It was him it was my old friend....and I had a crush on him. "'s me...ya know you old park playing buddy..." I told him my heart was pounding out he starred at me for a bit studying my face.

The next thing was unexpected he gasped and hugged me I hugged him back crying onto his shoulder he rubbed my back, I never been so happy to have my friend with me and in my class we pull apart smiling at each other I was so happy.

"Dante I'm so glad...that you back I missed you so much. I been alone since you left till Bridgette came along she's the only friend I had..." Dante was a bit sad when he heard this he hugged me and I hugged back, while we hugged I heard a few aww's in the background I assumed Bridgette then I look over and Geoff is sitting with her smiling at us like we're little kids. I didn't care I was happy during lunch.

After we ate me and Dante were walking down the hall to our next class he told me everything he done in Italy which was amazing to hear and I told him what I did here but it wasn't exciting as his, after school him and I were just stuck to each other he asked where I stayed and I hesitated and told him where I lived he walked me to his car my jaw dropped when I saw his car it was a challenger!!

A damn challenger how can he have one. Maybe he got it as a present? I guess? Oh well once we got in I couldn't stop gawking at how nice his car, "Dante how'd you get this car? Aren't these very expensive?" He chuckled as he noticed my gasped expression. "Parents told me to save up to get my own ride so I did and that's how I got it. Dont worry I have a job." He told and reassured me I was surprised and also impressed of what he had done.

When school was let out Dante drove me to my house, which I gave him directions. When we got their he asked how everyone was I told him they were good in a slow yet studdering tone. Next he asked me the weirdest question, "Can I meet them it's been a while since I seen them ya know?" I blushed thinking what they would say or do. I hesitated then shuddered, "Yea...s-sure why not I'm sure they don't mind...heh." I wasn't sure if they would like it I hope everything goes perfectly. I don't wanna lose him again...

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