Why I'm scared of you

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This one is simply for fun.. Please don't take it seriously!

Yuddistir: You woke me up at 6am once. You know I'm lazy and had never woken up that early. My eyes burnt and for the first time I realised what torture really is.

Karna: You might actually end up dontating me to someone. I'm runnning awayyyyyyyy.

Bheem: You'd chose the 20₹ Lays chips packet over me. *sobs* Also, sometimes you hug me so tight I feel as if I might choke.

Arjun: You once took my signed copy of my favourite book away for not listening to you talk about Air Resistance against Divyastras.. I loved Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone!

Nakul: Do I even need to talk 'bout you?? Today you got your favourite horse into the chamber and made a mess.
You played a prank on Arjun baiyya and blamed it on me.
Your cat scratched my nose.
Your singing voice is horrible. I got scared when you sang that lullaby when I was 5. I still have nightmares about you singing.
Once you wanted to show how good you were at sword fighting and almost shopped my head off!
You hugged me before EVERYONE after our vanvas!!!

Draupadi: Once you started lecturing me on how reading 50 books a day was not healthy.

Kunti: Nah.. I love you! You are the only one who says that I'm your fav.

Bishma: Fighting against me and killing 1000000 soldiers and day is a bad strategy to show affection to your grandson.

Drona: Not my thumb pleaseeee!

Duryodhan: I'm not scared of you. I wanna cut your head and that just makes me scared of myself.

Also I'm getting scared of the Shata and Suthanu bromance in the comments.. Does anyone even love ME???

Hence, we arrive at the conclusion that I'm freaked out of everyone.

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