Mafia (Part 1)

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Logan POV

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Today was uneventful for the majority, I did have to renegotiate some of the terms of the agreement with the most troublesome biker gang, they now seem to better understand the limitations of what they can do. I must say, it was rather idiotic for them to think that just because there was one group of people causing chaos, they could too.

I have gotten only one response to my request for a meeting with the three other mafias in town. Only from the leader of Electric Penalty, Electric Blue as he's called. He seemed very eager to get rid of the new menaces that 'the dark sides' brought. I believe the leader of Electric Penalty is a man that I should be wary of but strive to have a partnership with, he seems to care for the innocent people in this city of ours, which I find very commendable.

For the other two leaders, I will have to see. The leader of the Purple Guard, who has the code name 'Purple Gold', is a man that I hope not to anger. He seems to be someone of immense power and is not afraid to take those that matter to me. He has taken many, from children to adults. Many are never seen again, some are seen in snippets but never much, maybe a blurry picture, a misused name. He never makes demands or asks for a ransom. He only takes, never to return. I can only hope he doesn't come after the one I love.

As for the Blood Knights, these are people that are very powerful. They basically run the city through the many corrupt officials in our city. The leader, or Blood Master as they call him, does seem to understand that he should stay away from the police department, as they are under my reign, and he does want to help the city. It may be difficult to get both Purple Guard and Blood Knight to join the meeting because of their rivalry, but I shall only hope for the best.

I hope that we can come to an agreement on what we will do to rid the city of these... problems.|

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I shut my journal and slipped it back into the hidden compartment in my desk. I straightened my shirt and stepped out to join the others to watch the film. I was immediately met with the smiling face of Patton. His dimples causing his freckles and blush to contrast more, his light blue eyes sparkling behind his oversized glasses and light curly hair perfectly framing his adorable features. I noticed that he had somehow gotten ahold of one of my shirts and it was merely draped over him. Patton is a sweet soul. He loves animals and his room is basically filled with strays that he has picked up off the street for years. I have to keep reminding him that we can't keep them all and sometimes I have to physically force him to give some of them to other people, though those are rare occasions. One of the few times he was happy to give a pet away was the lavender conda hognose snake that he gave to Virgil. He works at an animal rescue and gets regular donations and drop-offs, many of them seem to be from the Electric Penalty group, which I am slightly worried about.

I picked him up and pulled him into a kiss before we joined the other two. Virgil and Roman were cuddling up together on the couch again, talking about whatever they wanted. "Black cauldron is the best movie, you can't argue." Virgil laughed

Roman playfully glared at him, shaking his head. "No! Snow White is."

Virgil shook his head, looking at Roman with a smirk "Sure~ a non-consensual kiss, plus dead body germs!" Virgil poked him.

"That's all you're arguing? There are no songs in Black cauldron!"

Virgil rolled his eyes and shook his head. They always seemed to playfully argue, mainly about Disney. "Yeah, but, Snow White, at 14 might I add, is forced out of her house by an evil stepmother and the first thing she did was become the housekeeper for a couple of dwarves. She even takes food from a stranger, at least the characters use common sense in Black cauldron."

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