Winged (Part 1)

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Archer POV

It has been a long time since I had seen Janus and Remus, I first met them about 5-6 years ago. It wasn't a bitter split, it was because I was starting a new life but the two of them wanted to continue living as outlaws and have freedom. Even if it means they are constantly on the run. I am currently working at a craft store as a cashier, the other workers are really nice.

I always have my wings hidden, I've gotten better at keeping them hidden over the years. I mean it's better to keep such abominations hidden. I-

"You ok Archer?" My coworker asked

"Huh?" I muttered

"You were spacing out."

"Oh! Sorry, were you saying something?"

"Not really, it's just you were putting the fabrics onto the paints." She smiled. I looked up and saw that I had in fact been placing folded fabrics onto the buckets of paint.

"Oh, shit. Sorry." I called out as I scrambled to gather them to put them where they were supposed to go.

"No worries, what were you thinking about?"

"Oh, some old friends. I'm thinking about getting in touch with them soon."

"Oh, nice! Maybe I can meet them?"

"I think not... they are very private people and they don't really like new people."

"Aww, oh well." She sighed. Just as I finished putting the fabric where they were meant to go, I heard the door chime.

"Hello! Welcome to Crafters!" Abby said in her famous customer service voice as I continued to stock the shelves.

"Hello. I am looking for items to make cards, as well as something to make a stuffed animal with, though I may need assistance." A voice explained

"Oh, well, I can help you with the card but I suggest you talk to Archer about the animal. He is very good at those kinds of things." Abby explained as I finally put the last items away.

"Very well. I am hoping for this to be finished by Wednesday so I shall work on the animal first." The customer said.

"Ok, Archer should have finished stocking the shelves by now so he should be with us in a moment." Abby said as I stepped out from behind the shelves. I was greeted by a somewhat familiar face. He had an angular face and rectangular glasses that had very familiar dark blue eyes and slicked back hair. He was hearing a police uniform that was very smart and clean.

"Hello! I'm Archer. How can I help?" I asked after composing myself.

"I am hoping to have a stuffed animal for Wednesday, however I am extremely busy and don't have time to make it because of work. I hope this is not too much to ask but could I hire someone to make it for me?" they asked, the slight remorse and guilt not completely hidden from his voice.

"I can do it for you sir. It will cost quite a lot though." I answered.

"I can pay." He stated

"Ok! What would you like?"

"A bat with purple patches stitched on it." He described

"Ok, may I ask why you need it by Wednesday?" I questioned. He stayed silent for a moment.

"My childhood friend went missing 6 years ago on that day. Every year I go to his parents' house to spend time with them." He said somberly

"Oh... do you know what happened?" I cautiously asked.

"Not really. He just vanished one day. We still don't know what happened to him." He said as he looked at random things as I took the materials for the animal.

"What is his name?" I asked as I placed the items on the counter

"Virgil." He smiled, I choked on air.

"Are you alright?" He asked me

"Yep! Yep! I'm fine!" I laughed awkwardly

"Ok..?" He questioned

"That'll be $85." I almost yelp

"Ok," He was still confused, "here. I shall be back Wednesday morning."

"Ok, see you then Logan." I smiled and he froze.

"I... I never told you my name." He said as he turned back to me

"Oh, well I saw your name under your badge." I smiled as I pointed to the small name tag.

"Oh, yess. Sorry." Logan muttered

"No worries." I smiled. He simply nodded before leaving. For the rest of the day I worked on the plush for Logan, only stopping to ring up customers. When my shift ended it was getting dark and I helped Abby lock up.

"See you tomorrow Archer." She smiled

"See you." I muttered back. I walked back home in silence. I soon got to my apartment and threw my stuff down before I flicked the lights on and I turned and yelped as I saw two familiar faces smiling at me from the couch.

"Jesus!" I cried clutching my chest

"Calm down loser!" Remus smirked

"No, do stay on the other side of the room." Janus joked

"Fuck off, I was not expecting you guys." I groaned as I walked over to them. We soon enveloped each other in hugs tighter than possible.

"So you're happy to see us!" Remus laughed as we pulled apart.

"Yeah, I was actually thinking about getting in contact earlier today." I added as I slid onto the couch next to them.

"Must have been fate." Jamus smiled. I chuckled as I relaxed. We talked for a while before I took an early night.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wednesday rolled around and Archer was waiting for Logan. As he waited he started to space out and drift into the depths of his mind and memories of his past caused a small smile to break his quiet facade. He snapped back when he heard the bell chime and looked up to see the form of Logan. He smiled at the taller male and noted that he was wearing a formal suit. "Hello! I finished the doll but if you want something changed I'm happy to do so." Archer said as Logan stopped before him.

"Ok." Logan muttered. Archer showed him the bat doll and he stared at it.

"Is it ok?" Archer asked, worried he didn't like it.

"It's amazing. I would say it is perfect." Logan smiled and I giggled in delight. I helped him with the card and was packing everything away for him, "Is there anything else I can help you with?" I asked

"I'm sorry if this is too straight forward but may I have your number?" Logan suddenly asked. I froze for a moment before a smile broke out.

"Is this you making a move on me?" Archer asked in a teasing tone. He saw a blush cover Logan very quickly as he started to scratch the back of his neck.

"W-well not entirely... you made something that both Virgil's parents' and I will admire and greatly enjoy and I was hoping I could thank you properly."

"Well your here now, thanking me, and you did pay already." Archer joked. Logan laughed a little

"I like you and I was hoping to get to know you more." Logan muttered

Archer gave him a small smile. "Ok, sure."


Part 1 of the winged AU! I hope you like it! This AU is going to be much longer than the last one because I have a lot of ideas.

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