Mafia (Part 2)

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3rd POV

Eventually, the Purple Guard sent that they would be attending the meeting. On the basis that the Dark Sides weren't something, they could take on alone. Which just left the Blood Knights, who only just sent that they would attend hours before the meeting was to take place. Black Memory hoped that the Purple Gold and Blood Master would be able to come to an agreement just till the Dark sides were out of town.
The location of the meeting was sent to each gang, as Black Memory sat at the conference table, awaiting what was to come. He knew that secrecy would get them nowhere, and for once, each of the leaders would have to reveal themselves, hiding away wouldn't do them any good. So he prepared himself. The mask he wore was a full face one that was fully black but LED lights were sewn through it, a cross was formed over both eyes. The LEDs over and around the mouth area seemed to be sewing the mouth shut.

The first to arrive was Electric Blue. Black Memory noted that he is shorter than himself and was wearing clothing that would have been worn on a stay in night, not a meeting that could save or break the city. His mask was made up of two parts, the top being a domino mask that was a metallic blue colour with lacing details done in black, and the bottom being a stylised gas mask, in the same colours and similar detailing. Electric Blue took a seat next to Black Memory, looking as eager as ever. He started to talk, but Black Memory could hear him straining his voice to change his accent slightly "So, what exactly is the plan to rid our city of the Dark Sides? They can't stay." He muttered impatiently.
"We will have to wait for the two others to come. I expect that you also brought your two advisors? The ones that mine are holding back at the door? I had told you to come alone."
Electric Blue sighed and shrugged "You can never be too careful. So when are the others coming?" Just as he said that, a man, who Black Memory assumed was Purple Gold walked into the room, taking off his Motorbike helmet, as he sat down. He was wearing a leather jacket and ripped jeans, a clothing style that was oddly familiar to the two leaders already sat waiting. His face was still obscured by a mask that covered his face. It was a full face mask, it seemed to take the general shape of his face but held no details aside from eye holes. The mask was split through the middle, the right side being gold and the left purple.
He glanced between the two and sighed "So, this is the famed Black Memory. Honestly, I'm underwhelmed." He laughed, his voice slightly more a midwestern accent. He turned away from Black Memory and to Electric Blue and stuck out a hand. "Pleasure to meet you Electric Blue, I am very fond of your work." Electric Blue seemed to be confused by the gesture before extending a hand himself and shaking with the newcomer. Purple Gold and Electric Blue started a conversation, mostly just pleasantries, a little about their work ethics until the room was filled with silence again. The three mafia leaders sat in this patient silence until Purple Gold started to move about. Black Memory was only moments away from asking Purple Gold what was bothering him but he was stopped when Electric Blue shrieked from the sight of the tarantula that Purple Gold pulled out from... somewhere. Purple Gold seemed to start petting the spider as they waited for the last guest. "When is that 'Blood Master' dumbass coming?" Purple Gold muttered. Only moments after Purple Gold finished his sentence the final leader arrived, strutting into the conference room as he did. He was wearing a black and red patterned shirt with black jeans. His mask was white apart from the hints of red and brown, his mask looked almost like a dementor screaming or like some kind of spirit was trying to attach to the body. When Blood Master finally sat at the table Purple Gold seemed to throw him a glare before he turned back to Black Memory and waited for the plan to be explained. Black started the meeting by discussing the possible routes they could take to get rid of the Dark Sides. "I suppose our first option would be to have a meeting with them, a little like we are now, but it will be the four of us against them-" Black was about to continue but Purple interrupted

"What! That would never work. They would never agree to a meeting. All they care about is causing chaos and panic. Even if they did agree to come to one they would not care and just be there to waste our time or use it as a distraction to cause damage to something elsewhere." Purple explained.

Blood glared at him suspiciously. "How do you know?" Blood spat.

Purple looked almost offended as he turned to Blood. "What?" Purple asked as he slowly turned to look at him.

"How do you know what they are like? What they plan to do? How do we know we can trust you?" Blood poked and prodded. Purple stayed silent for a moment and seemed to be contemplating something before he finally spoke

He rubbed his arm, almost nervously. "I was one of them." he muttered. He sounded unsure but mostly ashamed. Blue stayed silent and Black only seemed to get more curious about Purple.

"See! We can't trust him!" Blood shouted as he gestured to him erratically. Purple pulled into himself. Blue noticed this and decided to stand up for his newfound friend

"He was one of them, he isn't anymore. If he left then there must have been a reason, a good reason." Blue countered.

"But he was one of them," Blood pushed, "we can't trust him."

"And you don't know whether or not some of the people under your control beats their family or not!" Purple shouted with a burst. Blood seemed to freeze at this.

"Well, we don't know you!" Blood shouted back. Purple threw his arms into the air dramatically.

"We don't actually know who anyone else is!" Purple shouted into the room

"Which is something that I want to address. I feel as though we may never fully trust one and another because we do not know who everyone else is under the mask." Black explained. Everyone seemed to freeze at this.

"What are you suggesting?" Purple asked, caution present in his voice.

"I am suggesting that we 'trust' each other and reveal ourselves," Black explained.

"That's a great idea! Oh! Let's all close our eyes so it's a surprise!" Blue was practically jumping out of his seat.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Purple questioned, only hints of anxiety getting to his voice

"We are the only ones present and we are striving for a truce." Black started

"What? Are you scared or something? You worried we're gonna do something bad to you?" Blood interjected, poking fun at the reluctance that Purple was showing.

"All of us are showing our faces as well, don't worry." Blue soothed

"Ok..." Purple finally conceded and took a hold of his mask and squeezed his eyes shut. Near the same time, all the leaders removed their masks.

"Ready?" Black asked. After mentions of affirmations, Black counted down and as the numbers decreased they started to look up and when they finally opened their eyes they were met by the sight by their roommates or partners. Shock and surprise coursed through their bodies as they processed when they were seeing.

"What the fuck!?" Patton exclaimed into the silent room.


This is the last part of the mafia au. No, I am not going to continue it.

I hope you liked it.

If you have any requests of AUs or something like that you would like me to write I will give it a try, please do understand that school takes up a lot of my time and I am writing this for fun when I am free.

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