Chapter 11

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The parents of one of Kacey's classmates had been asked by Chief Tyrol if they could look after the little girl for a few hours. The family was close to both Kara and Kacey, and they readily agreed. It was a weekend, so school was not in session. Laura Roslin had asked the Chief for his help in arranging this, so that she and Kara could talk.

Laura arrived at Kara's tent, shortly after Kacey had left. She didn't even knock. When she entered the home, Kara was sitting on her couch. One look at Laura, and she sprang up across the room, grabbing Roslin in a fierce hug, followed by a long searing kiss.

"Laura", Kara breathed shakily, "I'm so scared!" It was now only two days until she was handed over to The Cylons. Kacey hadn't been in school, and Laura hadn't been teaching, just so Kara could spend as much time with both as she could.

Right now, she needed some time with her lover.

"I know you are, baby", Laura said, never wanting to let the younger woman go. "I am too, but we gotta stay strong for Kacey."

The hug and the kissing continued, until Kara broke it. "Take a walk with me, babe?"

Laura gave Kara a sideways smirk. "I thought we were gonna get naked?"

Kara laughed, kissing the former President again. "We will, but I want to take you to a place I go to when I need to think. It's not very far from here, and I just want to be with you there for a while."

"Lead the way, Kara", Laura said with her own wry grin.

They still weren't at the point where they showed affection in public. Their relationship was still too new to let New Caprica in on their secret. The only ones who knew were the leadership, and they had sworn to secrecy.

It took the two women about twenty minutes to get to Kara's "quite place". They had grasped each others' hand when they were out of sight of the settlement, not talking at all. When they approached the spot, Kara smiled over at Laura.

"I found this spot shortly after I got back from the Doll House", Kara explained. "I come here sometimes, when Kacey is in school, just to gather my thoughts. It may be the only scenic place on this whole, stinking planet."

She led Laura to the edge of the hill they were on, and when Laura looked over into the valley below, she gasped. Kara was right. It was a beautiful area.

"Gods, Kara", Laura said with a whisper, "this is absolutely breath-taking!" She turned to her young lover, kissing her sweetly. "I can see why you come here."

"It's great for thinking, Laura", Kara said honestly. "I've never been the introspective kind-not before all of this-but I just try to empty my mind, and just kind of retreat into myself, you know?"

"Kind of like meditation?"

Kara nodded. "Yeah, kind of. It's just a great place to relax. No city bustle. No Cylons watching you. Just me and the land." She snickered at that thought. "Who would have thought that someone who flies fighters in space would connect with terra Firma?"

Laura laughed sweetly. "It is not your normal look, Thrace", she said, the snicker continuing. Laura looked around. "Is there any place we can sit?"

Kara nodded. "Come over to that big boulder with me", she said, pointing to the right. "It has a nice flat face, facing the valley." She pulled Laura into her arms, looking up at the taller woman. "I want you to hold me over there for a while."

Laura could only nod, again giving Kara a passionate kiss.

Kara grabbed her hand, and led her the few steps over, Laura sitting down, her back against the rock. She put her arms out, raised her knees and opened her legs, inviting Kara to snuggle into her. Kara did so, giving an audible sigh as she leaned back against Laura, Roslin putting her arms around her troubled lover.

Part 1, Battlestar Galactica, Finding Humanity: Learning To Become Human AgainWhere stories live. Discover now