Chapter 13

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This chapter contains graphic descriptions of rape. Read at your own discretion.


A Week Later, Cylon Prison, New Caprica

Kara hadn't been off her feet in three days.

The truth was, Kara Thrace-Roslin didn't even know what day it was.

Her arms and legs were manacled at forty-five degree angles, much of the shape a child would make when creating an angel in the show. She was stark naked, and had been for those three days.

Her body was bruised and beaten, multiple, daily visits from the Human Cylons, who did as they wished to her.

A Four, A Six, and an Eight had taken great pleasure in sticking fingers up her vagina, and her rectum. Another Eight, or maybe it was the same one-the Sharon's could be vicious, she was finding out-had beaten her across her ass with a piece of wood, visiting the same punishment on her hamstrings. A Leoben-certainly not the one who had held her in the Doll House, as he had been banished by D'Anna, had used her face as a punching bag, and pinched and squeezed her breasts so hard that she had twice passed out from the pain.

At least, so far, a Leoben, a Doral, or a Cavil hadn't raped her with their members. She fully expected that eventually.

They had asked her no questions. They had sought no information from her. Right now, she was simply their play toy, to abuse as they would see fit.

Starbuck hadn't had any water or food for over two days. She was severely dehydrated and her stomach had stopped growling, it simply hurt now.

Yet she kept her mind on two things: Laura and Kacey. She had been trained in dealing with torture, although in truth, no human being could ever deal with it for very long. Everyone had their own tolerance. Kara had a high tolerance for it. She was damned if she would break.

Kara had actually dozed off when she heard door unlock. In stepped a Centurion, followed by D'Anna. The Cylon woman's nose turned up at the smell in the room, as Starbuck had to relieve herself where she was.

"Centurion", D'Anna barked, "unshackle the prisoner, and get a Four and an Eight to clean this mess up. And have another Six bring me some fresh clothes for our guest."

Within moments, the Centurions had released Kara from her bondage, and she slumped into D'Anna's arms. There was a bed in the large enclosure, as well as a toilet and a shower, but Kara hadn't been near either in half a week. D'Anna had no trouble getting the brittle former pilot to the bed, and set her down on it.

"I'm going to bring you some fresh clothes, and some toiletries, so we can get you cleaned up."

Kara just groaned, D'Anna realizing that Starbuck wouldn't be able to stand up in the shower. She had another Centurion bring her in a tub of warm water, a large sponge, some soap, and a towel, and D'Anna commenced to wash the nude body of their prisoner, simply to clean her off and to get rid of the urine, dirt, and grime that clung to her body.

It wasn't that D'Anna had any sympathy for the Human. Or any human for that matter, but she didn't like seeing any living being suffer, at least not much. She could play hardball with the Humans, and she had, but she would make sure Starbuck wasn't too severely abused. She wanted her broken, not killed.

Kara couldn't help but groan in pain, as the washcloth was passed over her abused skin. D'Anna also noticed that when she washed Kara's private parts, she moaned in pain as well. She would have to have a talk with her brothers and sisters about that. She had told them no sexual abuse, but they hadn't listened. It might be time to ship some more off of New Caprica.

Part 1, Battlestar Galactica, Finding Humanity: Learning To Become Human AgainWhere stories live. Discover now