Missing Part

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dedicated to krazybluewolf&Juanna15Savage

"He's lying to you"...

The words written on the note that Elijah picked up made him confused. He was so confused that he didn't knew the torn black wings silently disappeared into his back. That- with less pain he didn't felt.

He stood there, just thinking. Elijah blinked and look at his window. It's like he sensed a soul behind the glass. And yes, there was.

It partly freaked him out, but he just stood there...

Gold eyes stared at him, the grin devilishly wide, and black nails picking the lock just to let itself in.

Sadly, Elijah was under control of the creature. He's either too fascinated by this or he's frightened to make a move.

The window opens and the creature is now in front of Elijah, its long black nails going through his hair. Finally, the boy looked up slowly just to see blur and knew he just been picked up. The creature reached under Elijah's bed and grab the book.

The creature grinned at the book, examining it. "Elijah, Elijah, Elijah..." It said with a hoarse whispery voice. "Your old man is a fool, let me be your school." Now, they were behind the window, staring into his dim lit room.


ELiJah gasp and the creature quickly covered his mouth. "Quiet child! You'll make them go wild!" It hissed.

Three adults stood in the center of the room, joining them a fourth. The lady from earlier with a more unpleasant look on her face it could make anyone cower. She looked around with a growing frown. It was clear, Elijah's presence is needed.

"Ahem!" Ellie cleared her throat. "Elijah?" No response. Ellie chuckles, turning towards Zylah. "Where is your son, woman?"

"Jonny, don't tell me you took him on another night trip?" She questions the Granddad. Elijah's father raised a brow.

"No! Why would you think that?!"

"Excuse me? What the hell you just said? You done what with him? Is there something you're not telling me?!" He turned to his wife. Ellie just sat there, grinning. Totally enjoying this so far.

"Heh, they're certainly not steadyin' about the book... Someone must've sense a crook ." The creature grinned that showed it's unbelievable sharp teeth.

"Damien, please! And Ellie, what you're saying is true, don't tell me it's too late?.."

"The hell you are talking about, woman? What's too late?"

Ellie glanced at Damien. "The tale--"

"What fucking tale?" Damien looks at his dad and he just  shrugs.

  Ellie cleared her throat before explaining.  She opens a miniature leather book and flips near the end. "The tale where that time of night in a certain month, a full black on creature takes a specific child who doesn't know they have born magic in their skin and eventually that creature takes the child to their 'home' to feed of them to gain goolem. Now, goolem is--"

Damien flips Elijah's whole bed over. "Elijah! Show your ass, boy!!" The man's rage was growing out of nowhere.

Granddad shakes his head. "Zylah, you and Ellie look in the library." Ellie and Zylah rushed out the room. Granddad stared at his outraged son. He just didn't know why a father like him is acting like this since he's rarely spending time with his son. No doubt, Damien mostly choises to hunt dragons that is hidden far from home  than kill time with Elijah and baking. He decided to just calm him down before he fully vandalize the boy's room.

"Damien, I think you should... Stop."

He sighs, dropping a box of goodies, letting the open candy scatter on the floor. "Stop? Stop what?"

Granddad was alarmed by the calm yet angry tone and knowing not everything can just go straightforward smoothly with him. "Stop as in stop what you're doing."

"Oh. Stop what I'm doing?" Damien walked closer to Granddad.


"Heh. Stop what I'm doing?" He just stood a foot away from his face.

"Yes. Just that."

"What do you think I'm doing, that is? What I'm doing, dad... Heh, you're really stupid and fucked up if you don't know what I'm doing. I'm supposed to be calm like you?"

"Did you heard what Ellie just said?"

"Ellie the Elite Whore? Nope! Something about a... ghoul or cauldron... Dunno, something. All I know is that I just got back from a hunt and this lady of yours is what? Is she a woman who go around creeping out families?"

"Ellie is to not to be called any of those names and... She. Is. Not. A whore!" Granddad yells. He sighs and steps back. "This is about Elijah."


Yes, it is... But, the creature had already taken the boy to the its location. It sat frightened Eli down on a molded log. Eli just stared what was in front of him- a rusty, burning cauldron. Moon white flames escaping wildly from underneath. The creature chuckled, totally getting Eli's expression.

"Don't worry little one. Therefore, us bouts to have tons of fun."

Poor Eli must not be thinking of those weird wings right now...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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