Let It Go?

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A/N: It's not that great, but I hope you enjoy it! Please review!

Chilled= Frozen

Rei= Elsa

Fuyumi= Anna

Momo was not good with children. And definitely not roleplaying. So trying to do both simultaneously was giving her a serious migraine. Oh, how she wished she could snuggle up back at her home in her large, comfy chair and drink hot milk tea in front of the fireplace!

But she could never say no to those in trouble. Her coworker and friend Yuki, who was the character performer for Rei, had caught a fever of over 100 degrees, and no one else was available to perform as Rei for the day. This led to Yuki and the All Might Land staff begging Momo to dress up as Rei for the day.

"You're the only one who I can trust to take over for me! You're beautiful, kind, and you're basically the perfect person to play a princess!" Yuki had said.

Momo had scoffed at all her words. Not in a rude way; just in a way that showed that she didn't believe anything that came out of Yuki's mouth.

"Besides it'll be fun!"

In the end, Momo had grudgingly accepted to be Yuki's substitute. She knew how badly All Might Land needed a Rei character performer. All the children loved Chilled, especially Rei and Fuyumi! And Momo would rather die than have the children be disappointed.

However, as she stood in the middle of All Might Plaza, surrounded by millions of children, she realized she had forgotten one important detail. Momo had never watched Chilled.

"Hey, Rei!" one of the children called to her. It was a small girl with blonde pigtails and large brown eyes. "Where's Fuyumi?" It took Momo a second to realize that the girl was asking her where 'Fuyumi' was.

"Oh... uhh 'Fuyumi' should be somewhere nearby..." she searched around desperately for Keiko, who was the character performer for Fuyumi. "L-let's go look around for her..."

As Momo began making her way through the crowd of children, a little boy of about 3 years of age grabbed onto her braided wig and started yanking on it. The other children laughed as Momo let out a yelp and tried to keep the wig from being pulled off, and soon all of them were trying to pull on her wig.

"H-hey! It is improper to treat a princess like this! P-please stop-!"

She became dumbfounded when she saw a handsome young man pick up the little boy out of her hair and drove the other children away. "T-thank you so much for your kindness! I am so sorry I inconvenienced you like this!" she apologized profusely, constantly bowing her head to him.

"...it's no problem..." he said slowly. Momo let out a sigh of relief; she hated troubling others for her own mistakes. "I just have a question." Her ears perked at this and she looked up at him, confused. "Can I get your autograph? And take a picture with you?" he asked, holding out an autograph book with All Might's face on it.

"W-what?" she asked bewildered, a blush rising up her face.

"Can I have your autograph and take a picture with you?" he repeated, his nonchalant expression remaining unchanged. However, his heterochromatic(A/N: I hope this is what it's called) eyes were sparkling with excitement.

Her blush faded back, and she gave him a gentle smile. "Of course! What is your name?"

"It's Shoto."

Momo took the pen and autograph book in his hands and signed To Shoto: Rei~ in her best handwriting.

"Thanks,"he said in a calm, cool voice as she handed the book back. She could tell how happy he was though, from the way he accepted the autograph book from her. He took out his phone and readied it to take a selfie with her when they both heard a loud roar from the other side of the plaza.

"SHOOOOTOOOOOOO! WHERE ARE YOU! I BOUGHT THE TURKEY LEGS FOR YOU!" a large, sturdy man with a short red beard bellowed. She heard Shoto curse next to her, which she will not repeat the words of, but for some reason they had to do with choking on kuzumochi.

"I-is the Shoto he's calling for you?" she asked meekly, pointing a trembling finger at him.

"Yeah. I don't want to deal with him right now so let's get out of here," he answered, grabbing her hand and running in the opposite direction of the scary man.

"W-what?! Why?!" she screamed, trying to stop him from dragging her who-knows-where.

"I still want to take a picture with you, and that stupid bastard is only going to get in the way. Now, just like Rei says in Chilled, let us go!"

"I'm pretty sure she says 'Let it go'?! And where are we going?!"

Dealing with this person was definitely not the same as babysitting crowds of children dressed up as a movie character.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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