Rose -------->chp57

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41 weeks and ten hours, the bed was wet from her water breaking.

"If I'm being honest, I really didn't think that was going to work," Adrien said.

"I don't care," Marinette moaned, feeling the tightness of early contractions squeeze her belly. "It did, and I'm so happy this baby is coming out."

Adrien chuckled.

Then Marinette looked at him. "Wait a minute," she said, shooting him a teasing grin. "What do you mean 'you didn't think it was going to work'?"

He smirked. "Well, I mean, it's an old wives' tale? How often do those actually work?"

"Mm-hmm," Marinette said, listening.

"And I really just wanted to spend a night with you."

"There we go," she said, her grin widening.

"I wasn't exactly hearing you object."

Well, when her husband made love to her like that, of course not.

As time went on, her contractions getting closer together and steadily growing more intense, Marinette was pacing the house, just like her mother told her to do.

"It helps open your hips, dear," she had explained. "Easing the pain and speeding up labor."

Hence why she was currently wearing a rut into the floor.

And Adrien was not helping.

"Are we sure this is the best decision? Having the baby at home?"

Marinette sighed. "We talked about this, Adrien," she said. "No cesarean."

"We both agreed to that."

"But my family—"

"But are they sure?"

"Nathalie," Marinette interrupted, "did research, and gave you a handful of statistics that agreed with my family."


"Adrien," Marinette cut in, only to be interrupted by a contraction that forced her to pause and lean with one hand against the wall.

Adrien was next to her in a heartbeat, only for her to stop him with a hand squarely against his chest. Only once the contraction passed did she look back up at him. "Give Rose a call," Marinette finished. "And she'll come right over and help me deliver my baby here. I will be fine."

Adrien sighed. "Okay. I'm sorry."

"Thank you," Marinette said. "Just trust me a little, here."

"I do," Adrien said, standing back as Marinette took up pacing the living room again. "I just care for you and the baby."

"I know you do," she said. "But this is what we're doing and no arguing with the laboring pregnant woman."

He cracked a smile. "Understood." He then reached for his phone to give Rose a call.

Bless her heart, Rose normally didn't stay in France this long, but the moment Marinette had called her and told her old school friend she had remarried and was in the family way, Rose had lost it.

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