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Well after marianna basically yelled at me because her boyfriend was giving me a tour around the school, i sat at the bench in front of the restrooms, until asher came out, he looked at me, he saw there was something wrong. After he looked the direction i was looking, sat next to me and asked "hey, wats wrong?" I stared at him and said "you wanna know wats wrong? know I know i'm gonna have a knew bully like I did in every school i ever went to, and the worst thing is that its your girlfriend, she told me to stay away and the worst thing is that I cant because i'm your roommate."

Then I got up and told him he needs to control his girlfriend before things get ugly, then walked away. there i sat alone in my dorm, just bored, when my dorm neighbor walks in. "Hey im brianna, what's your name?" She asked. "umm im sabrina,  nice to meet you." I responded she came in and sat next to me, then she told me that no matter what happens she would always be there for me. Then she walked out.

Then I started thinking, and then I got up, ran after her and asked her "what do you do when marianna bullies you?" Then she looked at me and responded "oh honey, you rather learn to ignore it, or stand up to her." I looked at her, smiled and went back to my room.

The next day, when I went to get a drink. she came up to me, and told me "I thought I told you to stay away from asher." I got up and said "oh ya you cant tell me wat to do, and FYI he prefers ash more than asher, get to know your boyfriend better, and also learn to deal with me, i'm his roommate, and if you're not done this are not ganna be pretty." I walked away smiling, everyone staring at me, probably thinking 'like who in the name of christ does she think she is?'

After when i got back to my dorm, asher just stared at me and said "what a performance you had out there with marianna."  "Yup, I guess so, but come sorry to say this about your girlfriend but she deserved it." I reasponed with that sarcastic voice.

"Yup you're totally right, " he said like everything was normal and that I wasn't offending his girlfriend. "Fyi she's not my girlfriend, those are just rumors she made because she has this huge crush on me, so she basically threatens every girl on campus threatening them." Asher declaimed.

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