the date

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so today is saturday, me and nathan both agreed to dress casual. we are going to watch, if i stay, so the movie doesnt stay until like seven so, we just ended up eating at the mall, it wasnt bad it was really fun. so after the movie started, it was surprising because it looked like he was crying, and oveously i was, and in the part of the movie were adam holds mia's hand, he did that trick were you yarn and then put your arm around the girl, yup classic move. 

when we left he put his arm around me again the whole way to the dorm. i saw asher and again he looked like he was jealous, well no he looked pissed, but why, it's not like if he cares or anything. after i went into the dorm, and ayed down, when asher came in, i had the nerves to ask him if he was jealous or something, but i didnt, i wanna wait, just to cheak if he's really jealous or not. 

he didnt look like the jealous type, but when me and nathan went on a second date, we ended up kissing, and our second date was at the campfire, me and some friends planned, so asher, brianna, and someother friends went, and he kissed me.

so at that moment i knew he was jealous. i didnt say anything at that moment, because you know, all his friends we there. after, when we watched the out door movie, the maze runner, everyone wanted to watch it including, asher, but wen he saw me and nathan sitting there, with his arm around me, he didnt really want to be there.

so after asher left, brianna ran after him, she asked him was has gatten into him. he didnt really reaspon he just kept walking, and brianna also realized that he was jealous, like seriously this all started when me and nathan started dating.

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