Mated With My Father: 3

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Another day passed by. I was getting more bored than usual. Even though there wasn't any clock in this cell, over the years, I have developed a sense of time. And someone should have been here a long time ago with a plate of food. Just as I was getting more agitated, I could hear footsteps. I couldn't recognize them. That was someone I haven't met yet. Curiously, I placed myself in a sitting position, looking at a growing sound.

At the other side of the bars appeared a very appealing handsome face. I sniffed the air. Yet another, newly blinded laric.

"What is your number?" I curiously asked.

He was silent for a long time. I hope laric 26 didn't carry out his threat for real. Maybe no one will ever really speak to me again.

Then he finally spoke up. "I am number 28. From now on, I will carry out duties of number 30." He had a soft and foreign accent. He is not from around here. Maybe America or Europe.

"How does it feel to be ripped out of your sight?" I tried to sound concerned but the hint of mock could be sensed in my tone.

He must have picked up on it, since his response was a bit harsher then what I expected.

"How does it feel to be locked in here?" It was actually a pleasant change in my daily routine to listen to his soft accent.

"From what I heard about your life out there, I will not complain."

For the first time, I was disappointed he was blind. Hence, he could not see the grin forming on my face.

"I introduced myself out of good manners, but I won't speak to you, not now, not ever."

"I thought you didn't listen to anyone but your master and that order certainly didn't come from him." I hissed.

"I never said it was an order. I just have better things to do."

He was about to leave when I shouted, "wait! I have a proposal."

The stupid dog didn't stop in his tracks.

"I will give you my food!" I tried once again and this time he did stop.

I guess you could always bribe a dog with a bone.

"Look, I know you are all starving out there and I won't pretend that I am doing this because I am your friend. I am not. I could never see someone of your rank as anything more than a slave."

I sighed.

"There used to be thirty of you. Now the number is down to twenty-eight, maybe even lower, right? You are dying out of hunger and the number will only drop. Your master is killing you off like some disposable low-ranking werewolves. You are not allowed to reproduce with your mates and due to your strong blood, when you fu*k some random she wolf, she can rarely take it. Pregnancies rarely end successfully, am I right? You probably won't have a son to succeed you and what is the chance of you winning in bread games against other higher-ranking larics? You are all going extinct but I can help you.


This one word was all I needed.

"I am willing to trade my food for some information." He was still turned with his back so I couldn't read into his face.

"Nothing much, nothing actually important. Just something little to entertain this lonely girl in here."

I tried to sound reassuring and wash away his doubts, that is, if he had any.

"No one has to know." Obviously.

He stayed quiet for a bit longer before he snarled at me. "I would never betray my master like that."

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