Important update

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Alrighty I used to get so annoyed by authors saying this but I'm not really part of the HP fandom anymore and I can't update the sequel or edit this book if I haven't even been in the fandom for like half a year now, I tried to edit and update for all the readers but I literally can't. If you want more information check my newest announcement on my profile. So basically this is now a one book series with only this book, and the sequel has a few chapters published but its discontinued so there's no point in reading it. Anyways sense there was so much build up for the rest of the story (I'm so sorry) I'll just tell you the plans for you to use how you like. 

2. she becomes a death eater but in the sixth book she becomes a spy 

3. she doesn't have her mothers shape shifting skills 

4. she doesn't have the elder wand despite what I said, I'm sorry but I don't know what the fuck I was talking about. 

5. She is a lesbian queen. When Daphne gets back there's flirty things and at the end of the second battle they get together and live life as a couple. 


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