Prologue: Daydreamer

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" I will do it"

"No you won't"

"Ya I will, I will meet Shawn Mendes then he will fall madly in love with me and we will get married and have little Mendes babies, it is my life goal!"

" Ok Miss. Daydreamer." My friend Helen laughs at me as I act out how I will meet Shawn. Tossing my chestnut colored hair out of my face. In the end we both just end up falling on my bed in a bundle of laughter.

" You know, I really do think you will meet him someday." Helen says.

"You really think so?"

"Ya I mean you are so infatuated over him it's bound to happen at one point. I mean I don't think that whole getting married thing is going to happen, but you never know."

"Thanks girl for supporting my dream." I give her a wink, which just leaves us in another trail of giggles.


"Helen pick up your phone!" I yell into my not so small iphone 5S. My heart is pounding and my hands are shaking like a leaf.

"Hey Potter what's up?"

"You will never guess who is coming to the Tampa Jingle Ball this year."


" SHAWN MENDES!" I scream into the speaker.

"OMG, really? That's so cool. We have to go."

"Oh and it gets better. It is literally the day of my 16th birthday so maybe we have a chance of meeting him."

My cheeks are starting to hurt from smiling so much, I just can't believe I actually might have a chance to meet my all time celebrity crush, my stomach is doing backflips and I can't hold down the giggly feeling that I get whenever I think about him.

"Really?! That totally gives us a better chance of meeting him." Helen wakes me up out of my little daydream.

"Yeah I know. I have to go sorry we will totally talk about this later."

"Kk bye Potter see you tomorrow."

"Bye." I close my phone and jump on my bed and look up and my pastel pink ceiling.

This is my chance to finally see him, to see Shawn. I have always imagined what he would look like with his sweet smile and dark brown hair that is ever so slightly curled. I finally don't have to fangirl over his picture I can fangirl over him in person. I sit there and let the daydream take over me.


You will never guess what I just got you




I got 13 row and you can invite 2 friends.

Thank you thank you thank you!
I slip my phone back into my pocket so the teacher doesn't see.

I then quickly tear out a sheet of paper from my spiral notebook and write guess who now has 3 13th row jingle ball tickets. I turn around and place the note on Helen's desk in one swift movement.

Being the blonde that she is she has this puzzled look on her face. I sigh and make a head jesture for her to read it.

As she is reading I quickly check to make Sure the teacher isn't looking at us. Nope clueless as always.

I turn to face Helen once more only to be greated with a wide smile, which soon spreads to my face.

She quickly scribbles something on the note and passes it back. I look down and in her curvy hand writing it says I will only go if you help me pick out my outfit.

I giggle in my seat, but then quickly suppress it as I search around the classroom, I don't want to draw any attention to me.

A smile creeps on my face again as I start thing of Shawn I sigh as I try to keep my focus on today's lesson, something I'm not very good at doing.


Hey guys I'm Caileigh and I am a big Shawn Mendes fan. I also like to write, so why not start a fanfic. I know it is choppy and short, but I have some really good ideas and hopefully, hopefully it will get better
Thanks :)

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