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Hi, my name is Jade Winters.

I moved schools with my 2 best friends, Sarah and Marcus. We now go to Winchester High School in Boston, Massachusetts.

Our parents are best friends also, that's how we know each other. We've been friends since we were 5 years old. I remember that day like it was yesterday.


"Okay class, time for recess."


"I need a single file line, starting at the door. Sarah, could you lead the line please?"

"Yes, Mrs. Airington."

We got in line and went out to the Playground. I played hopscotch with Amelia, Oliver, Avery, Scott, Issac, Tiana, William, Malachi, and Susan.

After getting tired of hopscotch, I walked around recess, playing with my dolly's until I heard a girl scream.

I looked over and saw Sarah on the ground with Marcus standing over her, and her dolly's head on the ground.

"Why would you do that to my dolly?"

"Because I don't like your dolly and I don't like you!"

Sarah starts crying while Marcus keeps shouting mean words at her. The teacher can't hear her because of the other students on the playground making a lot of noise.

I march over to Marcus and step in front of Sarah.

"Leave her alone!" I yell at him.

"Make me, you little girl."

"No one calls me a little girl."

I step forward and punch Marcus in the face. I may be small, but my parents taught me how to defend myself.

He falls onto the ground, holding his right cheek.

"Touch her again, and I'll do more than that."

I turn around to see Sarah staring at me. I help her off of the ground and brush her off.

"Thank you Jade."

"Your welcome Sarah."

Unfortunately, a teacher saw me punch Marcus in the face and comes over to us.

"Jade! Why would you do that to poor Marcus? He did nothing to you?"

Sarah steps up "She did it for me. Marcus was-" but was cut off by the teacher.

"I wasn't talking to you Sarah, I was talking to Jade, now hush!"

"But he was-"

"I said hush, you ignorant child!"

"That mean! Your a meanie, you old crone!" I yell at Ms. Dodds.

Ms. Dodds gasped and grabbed my arm, dragging me to the building. "Let go of me! Your hurting my arm!" I try to get out of her grasp.

"This is what you get when you disrespect your elders."

Sarah comes up, and bites Ms. Dodds hand, making her let go of me. When I look at my arm, it has fingerprints on it.

"Why you littl-" Ms. Dodds starts, but is interrupted by another teacher who saw the commotion.

"What is going on here?"

Then, me and Sarah filled her in on what happened.

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