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It's been 2 weeks at the new school, and I already have people who hate me. 

So here it is... 


I was sitting at my desk in Foreign Languages and I felt eyes burning holes into the back of my head. 

I turn around to find Issac, glaring daggers at me. 

I guess he didn't take the rejection well. 

I just shrugged it off and listened to what the teacher, Mrs. Valentino, was talking about. 

"Class, next week we will be doing a project on the countries we are learning. I have picked your partners and they will be announced the day before. You will have 3 weeks to finish it. I will go over the guidelines next week Tuesday, after I've told you your partners. Class Dismissed." 

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the classroom. When I got to my locker, I did the combination and opened it, only to have it shut. 

Damned thing almost took off my fingers. 

I looked to my right to find the culprit and seen Hannah standing there with her hand on my locker. 

"Excuse me, do you need something?" I askes peeling her hand off my locker. 

"Yeah. I need you to stay away from Issac, he's mine." 

"Fine by me, you can keep him. I don't want anything to do with him." I told her, opening my locker again. She closed it. 

"I'm telling you, Stay. Away. From Issac." 

"And I'm telling you, I don't like him." I took her hand off my locker and put my stuff up. I closed it and left her standing there while I went to P.E. 

Bitch is crazy. 

*Flashback Ended* 

So, yeah, he hates me because I rejected him, and she hates me because she thinks someone is trying to steal her man. 

I woke up and did my daily routine. Today I am wearing Dark Blue high waisted jeans, a White tank crop top, White Fila's, and my leather jacket. 

Thank god it's Thursday, 1 more day of school. 

I go downstairs and eat, then pick Sarah up. I honk the horn, and like the drama queen she is, she throws a fit, glares at me like a puppy, then when I threaten to leave her, she gets in the car. 

Why all the fuss? Why not just get in the damn car like a regular person? 

"Because I'm not a regular person and you love me all the same." She says, batting her eyelashes at me. 

How does she get into my head? 

"I wouldn't go that far to say love." I mumble, glaring at the road. 

"What did you say?" 

"Nothing." I answer quickly. She may glare like a mean puppy, but she is crazy. You don't want to see her mad. 

I pick Marcus up and we head to school. 

After parking, I get out and lock the door to my car. Going into school, I see Hannah, glaring at me. I just roll my eyes and keep walking. 

I got to my locker and get my things out. We wait there until the bell rings. 

"So, you guys, I have Scott in my History class. We've been talking and he asked me on a date." Sarah squealed. 

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