Chapter 2

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Midnight's POV:

"I can't believe your trying to win him over, again. You don't need to keep buying his things Yagi!" when was he gonna get it. I turned to him exasperatedly, he looked like a kicked puppy. "You don't have to worry about it though! He already loves you Nemuri." I just sighed and rolled my eyes, this trip was gonna be a nightmare if Yagi constantly tries to "win Sho over".

Just as we got to the teacher's dorms building my phone buzzed in my pocket.

Chat with LoudCockatoo


Yo, can u two not mention the trip. I rlly can't afford for him to have a tantrum 8:25

18+Movie ( A/N: The first this that came into my head was walking pornhub-)

Yh that's fine fair warning Yagi has presents- I'll tell him not to mention anything ;) 8:29

I looked over at Yagi, he looked like he was mentally preparing himself for something. Who knew facing a regressed toddler was so terrifying for him-

"Zashi says we can't bring up the trip, yknow how Shouta is. I also warned him about the presents your stupid ass decided to bring"

"It's not stupid", I heard him mutter.

//Time-skip brought to you by my laziness//

As we approached the door you could hear the tell-tale sign of a toddler on the edge of a tantrum, turns out it was gonna happen anyway. I took the spares key out of my bags, I mean we are going on a trip I packed a lot; it took me a while shuffling through all my belongings. The tantrum had only escalated by the time I opened the door.

I didn't expect to see Shouta screaming holding Noodle (the cat) running around the Kitchen with Hizashi chasing after him telling him he can't take the cat in the bath. I don't think Yagi expected it either with the way he is trying so hard not to laugh.

Hizashi's POV

"Okay, Sho we gotta get in the bath before Nemuri and Yagi come", I say once I sent the message to Nemuri, turning around to see a pout on my baby's face. Walking over to pick him up, "C'mon Sho, its just gonna be a quick bath"

I was not expecting the next words out of his mouth.

"Kitty come with!" He all but screamed, never mind a tantrum about the trip this is gonna be a tantrum about having a bath with a cat.

I put him down and crouch to his level, gently saying "No Sho we can't take Noodle in the bath"

And he's gone-

Carrying the cat to the bathroom, I swear he gets cheekier by the second.

"Sho! Give me the cat." I shouted being careful not to activate my quirk, blocking the door that leads to the hallway. The pout and stamp of foot was all I needed to know where this was gonna lead.

A tantrum.

3... 2... 1

"NO KITTY HAVING A BATH WITH ME!" for once I'm relatively thankful our walls are semi-soundproof.

"Shouta..." he stopped trying to move past me with the warning tone. "You cannot take the cat in the bath" and that's when chaos ensued. Shouta now running around the kitchen crying while holding a cat and me trying to chase after him so he will just drop the bloody cat.

I was just about to grab him when the door opened, and there in all their glory was Nemuri with what looked like 4 bags maybe 1 of them being Yagi's. Oh and the oh so famous multitude of presents that Toshinori brings.

"Aunty Muri! Uncle Yagi!" the little tyke screamed, now distracted dropping the cat in the process of running up to his aunt and uncle. At least the cat is free from being drowned in a bath tub.


"Hi guys! How have you been?" Hizashi greeted his friends.

"Good Zashi, I got to watch Toshinori struggle up here with all his presents." Nemuri answered back letting out a flirtatious laugh. Walking over to Hizashi, swaying her hips slightly.

"Its not like I was the only one struggling I saw you with all those bags for the trip." Yagi jabbed at her picking up Shouta, Shouta had his head slightly and the next words that left his mouth made all the adults in the room screwed.


And just like that the morning just got 10 times harder.


*Authors note!
Ahh sorry for not updating schools been really annoying but I have a plot now for this so writing should be updated more often!! Thank you all for reading and sorry for any mistakes! :D - Theseus *

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