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The school bell rang, but Makoto was still laying in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He had missed breakfast, but he didn't really mind. It wasn't mandatory, especially not on a Saturday. He planned on heading to the cafeteria in a few minutes when most people had left, not in the mood to be around too many people, paranoid of people whispering about his again. He knew the chatter had probably subsided by now, bringing him some comfort, but still, he wanted to play it safe for now. 

He hears a knock on the door and sits up. "Who is it..?"

"Did you hook up with Nagito Komaeda?" Maybe the chatter hadn't subsided.


"Did you hook up with Nagito Komaeda?"

Makoto felt the swarm of anxiety he had just overcome coming back. "Kyoko?! Is that you?!"

"You're avoiding the question."

"N-no! I didn't..!"

"Thank you. That's all I need from you for now. Have a nice day." Makoto heard the click of her heeled boots on the tile flooring, swiftly walking away.

Makoto flopped back onto his bed. 

He didn't expect the gossip to last for more than a few hours. It wasn't even that good of gossip. Just another case of he did him, when he certainly did not do him. 

Was it because Nagito was his upperclassman? Did that somehow make it scandalous to them? They only had a year between them, it wouldn't have been weird at all. 

Maybe it was because they were two boys. That potential scenario upset Makoto a lot. He hoped the students at such a renowned school weren't homophobic. They're sexualities are not their concerns and shouldn't be a reason to gossip.

Nothing should be a reason to gossip. I hate gossip.

The last scenario almost got him more upset than the potential homophobia. 

Maybe people were just surprised somebody would ever hook up with Nagito. Maybe people berate him more than he berates himself. They might just feel bad for Makoto. They could feel sorry that he had to experience such an atrocity.

Not that it mattered why this was so interesting to everyone. It never even happened.

His phone buzzed and he picked it up.

Sayaka: Literally EVERYONE is talking about you

Makoto: Why..?

Sayaka: They think you hooked up with Nagito. Apparently you guys had a moment or whatever in the hallway and then you said something to imply it?? I dunno, I wasn't there

"Let's just.. go somewhere more private... so I can make it up to you..." 

"We can.. go to my dorm room... if you want..."

Out of context that sounds bad... Hell, it even sounds bad in context..! What was I thinking... 

I wasn't thinking. I never fucking think.

He sat up, quietly scolding himself for letting his thoughts blacken and become pessimistic again. He quickly rerouted his thought process. 

At least I got to see Sayaka's interview while hanging out with Leon... That was good...

Makoto sighed and went back to his phone.

Makoto: I didn't hook up with anyone!!!

Sayaka: I know that, don't worry. When I heard people saying that I was just like "hmmm that's v out of character for Koko" so I just didn't believe it. I'll try to get you more of the deets on what people are saying about you two so you can know 

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