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As I stepped in there, I just saw exhausted and frustrated faces.

Brianna was bringing me problems every second the annoying girl (whose name I forgot) was gathering up the models and fitting them in the dresses.

These two hours felt like a whole day, everything was ready and the show was about to start.

The guests were gathering up and I was talking Anne Muriel the bitch who stole clients from me and thinks I don't know about it I owe her a revenge taking Beatrice cooper her biggest client.

'we have a problem' Brianna showed up

'excuse me for a second' I said to Anne 'now what is the matter?' I asked Brianna

'Beatrice cooper backed off' she murmured like I would freak out less

'WHAT' my blood literally boiled up 'WHY THE HELL WOULD SHE DO THIS?'

'um she said we were trying to sell the designs that we copied from her old client'

'you better be kidding me, how is that possible-' wait a second 'ANNE BASTARD MURIEL' I asked everyone to find the bitch

No one could find Anne, she did a big mistake messing with Bianca Clarke again and this time I'm not stepping back to destroy her

The show was about to begin and I went backstage and Sydney (the annoying girl with an excited face) was instructing the models she may get a separate appreciation from me if we finalize the deal too.
I was not over the fact that Beatrice is out of my hands now but I had hope with la senteur. The show began, there were beautiful ladies modelling my dress once a time and everyone to hooted up at the end I walked down with models by my side giving a thank you to everyone.

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